XIX a. etnografija Lietuvos kolonizavimo procese

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
XIX a. etnografija Lietuvos kolonizavimo procese
Alternative Title:
19th-century ethnography in the Lithuanian colonisation process
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnis atskleidžia lietuvių tautos etnografinių tyrimų, vykdytų žymių XIX a. Rusijos mokslininkų, ideologinį kontekstą. Apžvelgiant dviejų įtakingų etnografų Julijaus Kuznecovo ir Vladimiro Lamanskio požiūrį į lietuvių rusinimo strategijas, akcentuojamas Šiaurės vakarų krašto administratorių politinių nuostatų sąlytis su etnografija, į kolonizavimo procesus įtraukto mokslo interesai ir caro valdžios taikomų mažųjų tautų asimiliavimo metodų kritika. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuviai; Etnografija; Kolonizavimas; Nacionalinė politika; Rusinimo strategijos; Geopolitika; Lithuanian Nation; Ethnography; Colonisation; National policy; Russification strategies; Geopolitics.

ENThe article is about the ideological context of ethnographic research of the Lithuanian nation conducted by famous 19th-century Russian scientists. By reviewing the attitudes of two influential ethnographers Julius Kuznecov and Vladimir Lamansky towards the Russification strategies applied to Lithuanians, the study highlighted the North West Krais administrators’ political provisions regarding ethnography, the interests of science that were incorporated into colonisation processes, and the critique of the tsarist governments measures applied in the assimilation of minority nations. Ethnography, as a handy measure used by colonisers to appropriate new territories, was strategically exploited in the implementation of tsarist Russia’s aspirations in the North West Krai. Ethnographers not only collected empirical data about the material and religious culture of the ethnic groups, but also prepared generalised characterisations of the nations, analysing ethnogenesis and in a way, made prognoses about the development of relations, offering various communication models that would accelerate and help implement the Russification program. Research based on holistic methodology that spanned historic, geographic, climatic, cultural, social, linguistic and mental aspects defined the Lithuanian nation as a united whole - precisely this kind of approach had to determine its effective operation, the Russification of the region, the assimilation of the nations living there and to guarantee the successful implementation of the goals of Russia’s colonialist policies. With the tsarist administration of the colony, where the legal base was unified, education was reorganised and management of the social sphere was optimised, it was important to understand the composition of the contingent they were working with.Ethnography could and did provide this information: material collected during expeditions, statistical research and the compilation of ethnographic maps. Scientists’ discussions and their insights based on ethnographic research were no less important - a significantly wider relationship between elite Russian society with the details of Lithuanian colonisation became evident. [From the publication]

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