Prenatalinis muzikinis ugdymas Lietuvoje: poveikio nėščiosioms emocinis aspektas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Prenatalinis muzikinis ugdymas Lietuvoje: poveikio nėščiosioms emocinis aspektas
Alternative Title:
Prenatal music education in Lithuania: the emotional aspect
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2018, Nr. 3 (81), p. 81-98
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, atskleidžiantis Lietuvoje prenatalinio muzikinio ugdymo (PMU) įstaigų vykdomų programų poveikį besilaukiančioms moterims emociniu aspektu, t. y. kaip šio ugdymo turinys padeda nėščiosioms išgyventi teigiamas emocijas, ypač džiaugsmo, įveikti padidėjusį nervingumą, gimdymo baimę. Atliekant tyrimą apklausta 14-a respondenčių: 6 moterys, nėštumo metu lankiusios būsimoms motinoms skirtus muzikinio ugdymo užsiėmimus (Muzikinio ugdomojo sveikatinimo centrą „Sveikutis“, Vilnius; Muzikos terapijos, meditacijų studiją „Dabartis“, Klaipėda), ir 8 savarankiškai muzikavusios tiriamosios. Įvairaus amžiaus (nuo 20 iki 45 metų) ir šešiuose šalies miestuose (Vilniuje, Kaune, Klaipėdoje, Panevėžyje, Pasvalyje ir Šiauliuose) gyvenusių respondenčių patirtys atskleidė, kad visos moterys, nėštumo metu muzikavusios centruose ir savarankiškai, patyrė teigiamus gilius ir reikšmingus išgyvenimus, jautė sumažėjusią gimdymo baimę, tik užsiėmimus lankiusių moterų muzikavimo galimybės buvo geresnės, galėjo muzikuoti įvairesniais instrumentais, atlikti papildomas naudingas užduotis, gauti daugiau informacijos, tad ir teigiamas emocijas išgyveno dažniau. PMU užsiėmimus lankiusioms moterims taip pat greičiau pavyko užmegzti ryšį su savo būsimu kūdikiu ir visą savo nėštumą jos įvertino aukštesniu sklandumo balu. Reikšminga ir tai, kad PMU užsiėmimai teigiamai veikė ir nėščiųjų vyrus: gauta informacija skatino būsimus tėvus bendrauti su savo dar negimusiais kūdikiais. Tyrimo rezultatai patvirtina, kad Lietuvoje nėščiosioms vedami PMU užsiėmimai skatina būsimų motinų teigiamų emocijų, būsenų, jausenų, ypač džiaugsmo emocijos, išgyvenimą, mažina gimdymo baimę, teigiamai veikia porų tarpusavio santykius. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Prenatalinis muzikinis ugdymas (PMU); Prenatalinis muzikinis ugdomasis sveikatinimas (PMUS); Emocinio imitavimo metodas (EIM); Emocijos nėštumo metu; Prenatal music education (PME); Prenatal musical educational health (PMEH); Emotional imitation method (EIM); Emotions during pregnancy.

ENRelevance. Existing scientific data underlines that emotions of pregnant women, and stress in particular, have a direct causative connection with the problems experienced during pregnancy and childbirth (Field, Diego, Hernandez-Reif, p. 55). On the other hand, experiencing positive emotions during pregnancy is important for the woman and especially for the foetus, as this has a significant impact on the baby during the pregnancy and after the birth (Geissbuehler, Eberhard, 2002). It is known that the constantly felt stress increases the amount of hormone cortisol, which in turn can cause the dysfunction of immune system, decreased resistance to autoimmune illnesses, inflammatory illnesses, chronic pain syndromes, allergies and asthma (Stankus, Slušnienė 2009, p. 13). [...] This study thus aims to reveal the pregnant women’s perspective towards the PME activities in Lithuania, focusing on the emotional impact of the PME and to experiencing the emotion of joy in particular. The object of this study is the emotional aspect of the PME in Lithuania. Our hypothesis – PME activities for pregnant women in Lithuania promote the experience positive emotions, states, and feelings – especially the emotion of joy – and contributes to the overall higher quality of pregnancy. We followed three main objectives in this study: 1) to explore the opinion of women participating in PME activities on the usefulness of such education and effect on their emotional state; 2) to assess the opinion of these women on the quality of PME activities; 3) to compare the experiences and opinions of women who participated in PME activities and who practiced musicianship independently about PME’s usefulness and effectiveness.While working on geographical net of PME centres, schools and studios, we found out that the activities are available only in three largest Lithuanian cities – Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. Two institutions – the studio of music therapy and meditation “Dabartis” (Klaipėda) and the music educational health promotion centre “Sveikutis” (Vilnius) – agreed to cooperate and allowed to watch the process of pregnant women’s activities and later conduct the survey. Two groups of respondents (14 women in total, 20 to 45 years old at the time of pregnancy) participated in our qualitative study performed in 2016: the women who have given birth and during their pregnancy practiced musicianship in PME institutions, and women who practiced musicianship independently during their pregnancy. The respondents were provided with two semi-structured interview types. Four thematic blocks came to be highlighted in the interviews: 1. The content of PME activities (focusing on the impact of PME activities on experiencing the emotion of joy). 2. The emotional state of pregnant woman (focusing on the impact of PME activities on neutralising negative emotions arising during pregnancy). 3. The communication between the pregnant woman and the foetus (focusing on the impact of PME on eliciting this communication). 4. The evaluation of PME activities (focusing on the opinion of pregnant women on the activities they participated in).The analysis of our data has revealed that all women who during their pregnancy practiced musicianship had deep and significant experiences and felt the decrease of fear of childbirth. However, the women who attended music education classes had a larger spectrum of opportunities: they could play various instruments, perform additional and useful exercises, and receive more beneficial information, which allowed them to feel positive emotions more often. In addition, the women who attended PME classes claimed to achieve the connection with their unborn child faster and they rated their pregnancy with a higher grade concerning the smoothness of the period. It is significant that PME classes had a positive impact on the husbands of pregnant women as well – the received information encouraged soon to be fathers to communicate with their unborn children. The results of our study confirm that the PME classes in Lithuania promote the pregnant women’s positive emotions, especially experiencing joy, decrease the fear of childbirth, and also have a positive effect on couple’s relationships. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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