Šiaurės žemaičių kūno dalių pavadinimai. Kuršiškasis pėdsakas?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šiaurės žemaičių kūno dalių pavadinimai. Kuršiškasis pėdsakas?
Alternative Title:
Somatonyms of northern samogitians. Curonian traces?
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje keliama hipotezė, kad artimiausių kuršiams istoriniu ir kalbiniu požiūriu šiaurės žemaičių patarmėje esama kuršių vartotų žodžių. Tyrimui pasirinkta viena teminė žodžių grupė - kūno dalių pavadinimai, arba somatonimai. Remiantis formaliąja struktūra, arealine leksemų distribucija, onomastika bei kitų baltų kalbų ir tarmių duomenimis, bandoma identifikuoti kuronizmus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tarmės; Patarmės; Šiaurės žemaičiai; Kuršiai; Somatonimai; Kuronizmai; Apeliatyvai; Onimai; Dialects; Subdialects; Northern Samogitians; Curonians; Curonisms; Somatonyms; Appellatives; Onomastics.

ENThe hypothesis raised in the article is that the North Samogitian (sub)dialect, which is closest to the Curonian dialect in a historic and linguistic sense, contains some words that were also used by Curonians. One thematic word group was chosen for this research - the appellatives of body parts, or somatonyms. Researchers have long associated the history and language of Samogitians with the history and language of the Curonians. That is why traces of curonisms in the North Samogitian somatonym thematic group tried to be found by looking at several different aspects: the chronology of lexemes, selection of somatonyms according to possible curonisms in the language, somatonyms of the Prussian language, the spread of somatonyms, and the onomastics of the area - the toponymy and anthroponymy related to body part appellatives. Having examined the origins, formal structure and distribution area of the Northern Samogitians’ somatonyms, and after examining the onomastics of the languages spoken by Western Lithuanians, Latvians and Prussians, and data on the Prussian language, the most likely body part appellatives of Curonian origins were determined. The most likely Curonian group of somatonyms was identified by conducting a range of studies: an analysis of Lithuanian and Latvian body part appellatives in specific areas, a study of the onomastics related to the STG [somatonyms thematic group], a systemic-semantic and motivational analysis of Northern Samogitian somatonyms, and the lexis of other Baltic languages and dialects. The analysis of Northern Samogitian somatonyms suggests that Northern Samogitians still use their unique dialectal lexis. A majority, around 80-90 percent, of the somatonyms recorded in written sources are still quite vital today and it is likely that there are some curonisms among them.The largest and most mobile layer of Samogitian somatonyms that differ most from standard Lithuanian and other dialects are those body part appellatives which have both a nominal and connotative meaning. It could be that pragmatic goals, i.e., the need to not only identify but also evaluate an object has determined the large number of connotative words, their variety and vitality. The motivational mechanism gives us the opportunity to create different words: the same realistic object may be identified in different ways by choosing different nominal characteristics, or by using synonyms to identify that same characteristic. The clarity of understanding the motivational quality decreases when the motivating factor reclines from active use due to various extra-linguistic reasons, leaving a gap for another motivator capable of conveying that same characteristic. This is one of the reasons determining the constant mobility of somatonyms - their disappearance, increase and revival. It is probably this quality of the somatonym thematic group which has meant that grasping and highlighting the Curonian traces it has is quite problematic - this obviously requires further systemic and complex research of the lexis and onomastics, related to body part concept in the Lithuanian and Latvian dialects. [From the publication]

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2022-02-29 21:57:08
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