Dalykinis elektroninis laiškas - studento įvaizdžio dalis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dalykinis elektroninis laiškas - studento įvaizdžio dalis
Summary / Abstract:

LTDalykinis elektroninis laiškas šiandien yra labai svarbus kuriant asmens (ar organizacijos) įvaizdį, užmezgant ar palaikant dvišalius santykius. Elektroniniai laiškai atspindi akademinėje erdvėje egzistuojančius socialinius, kultūrinius ir akademinius santykius. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami studentų kalbos kultūros plačiąja prasme žinių taikymo įgūdžiai rašant elektroninius dalykinius laiškus. Laiškų analizę sudaro šios dalys: el. pašto adresas, antraštė, pasisveikinimas, įžanginis kreipinys, laiško turinys, atsisveikinimas ir parašas. Be šių formalių atributų, analizuotas laiškų pateikimas kalbos požiūriu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmens įvaizdis; Dalykinis elektroninis laiškas; Raštingumas; Įvaizdis; An e-mail; Business email; Image; Literacy; Personal image; Writing skills.

ENDevelopment of a positive personal image is one of the main factors encouraging and sustaining well-established personal and societal relationships, strengthening self-reputation and decent public opinion about oneself or one’s organization. Students as future professionals must develop high written communication skills that will index their and their organization’s value in the market. The participants of the research are 107 freshmen of 2013-2014 at the College of North Lithuania and the objects of the research are their official emails for their lecturer. The goal of the research is to analyze the skill level in Lithuanian language and writing that forms addresser’s image. Analysis of the letter included email addresses, titles, greetings, introductory address, content of the letter, valedictions and signature. Additionally to the formal attributes linguistic letter presentation was explored. Given research included both quantitative and qualitative empiric research, the data was systemized and the interpretation of the results provided.The research showed the following, although writing skills, habits and attitudes of the students should have been formed throughout Internet communication, writing skills are still poor and students do not pay enough attention to their image communication. Although it is common to write letters following the linguistic rules a large portion of students do not follow the principles and rules, the email address is usually emotional, titles are non-existent or too long, students make many grammatical, punctual, and linguistic mistakes. Lithuanian letters are used only by half of full-time and one third of distant learning students, ethics of the language are considered by less than a half of students as usually an email is missing greetings, introductory address and is finished without a valediction. It was confirmed that written communication looks of little worth to students for their image development. However, the sample was not too big and the research did not tackle all the important questions. In order to get more elaborate and accurate data on the image formed by emails, it would be useful to take into account more respondents. It would be valuable to research the emails of employers’ as their letters for the image of their organization. [From the publication]

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