Projects in the process of learning: motivating and proactiveness capacitating factors

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Projects in the process of learning: motivating and proactiveness capacitating factors
In the Journal:
European scientific journal [ESJ]. 2015, vol. 11, no. 25, p. 348-371
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Projekto metodas; Stiprios motyvuojančios jėgos; Iniciatyvumas; Project method; Strong motivating forces; Proactiveness.

ENThe article analyses the project method as a significant access to the development of learning environment, stimulating learners’ forces, motivating and capacitating their proactiveness. Two presumptions were chosen for methodological grounding of the project method and strong motivating forces (the level of anxiety, emotional tone, success, involvement, influence making and demand for achievements), capacitating proactiveness of learners. Firstly, these are Self-Determination and Elevation theories (Csikszentmihalyj, 1993), maintaining that learners are mostly motivated in active practice, requiring their physical and psychical efforts. Elevation is being experienced, when learners take interest in chosen and favourite activities depending on their own demands and interests, activity related possibilities and opportunities, i.e. abilities and skills. Secondly, in the process of learning it is important to provide learners with a set of supporting and motivating factors, invoking proactivity, providing with an impulse for active practice and resulting in satisfaction of their demands (F. Herzberg’s two-factory theory, 1968). According to the authors, Self- Determination, Elevation and F. Herzberg’s two-factory scientific theories (xxx) could become a significant methodological base in planning of strong learning motivators and their working, also in striving for learners’ proactiveness. [From the publication]

1857-7881; 1857-7431
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