Kazimiero Paltaroko požiūris į socialines kaimo problemas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kazimiero Paltaroko požiūris į socialines kaimo problemas
Alternative Title:
Outlook on rural social problems by Kazimieras Paltarokas
In the Book:
Iš Lietuvos sociologijos istorijos. Kn. 2 / atsakingoji redaktorė ir sudarytoja Anelė Vosyliūtė. Vilnius: Lietuvos filosofijos ir sociologijos institutas, 1999. P. 76-105
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kazimieras Paltarokas; Socialinės problemos; Kaimai; Sociologija; Darbininkai; Ūkiai; Kazimieras Paltarokas; Social problems; Rural; Sociology; Workers; Farms.

ENThe article deals with the outlook on rural problems by Kazimieras Paltarokas (1875-1958), one of most prominent bishops in the whole history of Lithuania, on a part with bishops Merkelis Giedraitis, Motiejus Valanchius, ect. In his youth - 1911-1922 - he lectured on sociology in Kaunas Eccleciastical seminary, and wrote a text-book of sociology "Socialis klausimas" ("Social question"). He polemized with the initiators of sociological science, such as August Comte, ect. The conception of Catholical solidarity was essential in his works, as opposite to liberalistic individualism and to socialistic collectivism. K. Paltarokas, in his sociological views, revealed a panoramic sight of Lithuanian society, both historical and contemporary. He considered a "social question" as essential in sociology. The "social question" was understood by him as an expression of some incoherencies, complications, inconsistencies of social structure, of some nondesirable effects and ailments of the society.Some incoherencies in rural society of the early 20th century, manifested in land ownership and specifics of agricultural work, form the nucleus of K. Paltarokas’ concerns. K. Paltarokas made a survey of the history of Lithuanian land ownership, investigated land reform preconditions. He urgued that property of land was better than rent, a middle-sized ferm was better than large landed property or a small kitchen garden parcel. The origin of land debt, means to raise land productivity, were investigated. The sociological considerations about the improvement of Lithuanian economy of agriculture, forestry and water resources might serve as a best example today's land reformers. They might profit by K. Paltarokas’ experience, by his conceptual sociological sagacity, application of sociological surveys, lectures on land reform, ect. [From the publication]

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