Lithuanian diaspora

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Lithuanian diaspora
Arbas, Vijolė, vertimas [trl]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vaga, 2002.
197 p
Bibliografija išnašose.
Early Lithuanian émigrés from the 1600s to 1860s. Start of mass emigration and its reasons — First wave of émigrés to the United States and their support to Lithuania. Political and economic support for Lithuania by Lithuanians in the United States — Mass emigration of Lithuanians at the end of World War II: life at camps for displaced persons. Higher education at DP camps ; Publishing ; Musical performing arts ; Theater — Concept of a Lithuanian World Community and culture. American Lithuanian Community ; Canadian Lithuanian Community ; Australian Lithuanian Community ; Argentinean Lithuanian Community ; British Lithuanian Community ; German Lithuanian Community ; Belorussian Lithuanian Community ; Latvian Lithuanian Community ; Polish Lithuanian Community ; Siberian Lithuanian Community.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Emigracija; Lietuvių diaspora; Lietuviai Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose; Pasaulio lietuvių bendruomenė; Emigration; Lithuanian diaspora; Lithuanians in the United States of America; Lithuanian World Community.

ENAll Lithuanians are now able to publicly declare: "I am Lithuanian". This substantiates that irrespective of the changed historical conditions, all member Communities of the Lithuanian World Community are implementing the resolution of essence of the Lithuanian Charter: "A Lithuanian remains a Lithuanian everywhere and always. In order to preserve the existence of his ancestors' Lithuanian Nation, a Lithuanian passes on the culture to future generations to insure the eternal nature of his nationality.” This remains the resolution of utmost importance to all Lithuanian Communities - the old and the new ones. The enlivening of this resolution continues to reveal new opportunities and possibilities. The number of new emigrants on the wave of economic emigration has reached 150,000 - 200,000; this is three times greater than the second massive wave of emigrants during World War II, who nurtured the idea of "Lithuanianism" throughout the world and established the Lithuanian World Community. In the meantime, new problems have appeared that the generation of war refugees never had to face. Lithuania has become an independent nation, and is beginning the process of integration with the European Union. It is no longer clear, where emigration begins or ends, and who can be considered an emigrant and who can't be so considered. The Lithuanian World Community, acting on the basis of the Lithuanian Charter, is discovering new tasks at hand. Resolving current issues will depend much on the interest of the new emigrants in the idea of "Lithuanianism" throughout the world. This will also determine the further evolvement of the Lithuanian World Community. [Extract, p. 197-[198]]

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