Priorities of physical entities selecting credit institutions and credit types: Lithuanian case

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
Priorities of physical entities selecting credit institutions and credit types: Lithuanian case
In the Book:
Kreditas. Paskolos / Credit; Pinigai. Valiuta / Money. Currency.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Skolinimasis; Kredito įstaigos; Kredito sistema; Borrowing market; Credit institutions; Credit types; Physical entities.

ENThe study is aimed at identification of the priorities of physical entities while selecting credit institutions and credit types in Lithuanian borrowing market. The methods of the research include the analysis of the scientific literature, statistical data analysis, questionnaire survey (quantitative research), descriptive statistics and cross-variable analysis. The research has enabled to identify that credit obtaining physical entities give their priorities to such credit institutions as leasing companies, fast credit companies and banks. This data corresponds with the results showing that leasing and fast credits are the types of credits preferred by physical entities and taken with the highest frequency in Lithuanian borrowing market. The value of the obtained credits is comparatively low, which can be explained by the fact that high values are not typical of leasing and fast credits. Credits are basically used by the intended purpose, although fast credits are used not by the intended purpose more frequently than the other types of credits. The results propose that physical entities in Lithuanian borrowing market are inclined to obtain the credits under concessive terms, usually offered by fast credit companies rather than by commercial banks or credit unions. That is why, with a view to raising the competitiveness in Lithuanian crediting market, the institutions mentioned above are recommended to alleviate and simplify the terms of issuance of credits for physical entities. [From the publication]

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2022-01-23 20:35:13
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