Sadašnje stanje crkve u Litvi

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Sadašnje stanje crkve u Litvi
Alternative Title:
Present situation of the Church in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Crkva u svijetu [Church in the World]. 2004, 39, 3, p. 411-423
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Katalikų bažnyčia Lietuvoje; Krikščionybė. Keywords: Lithuanian Rome Catholic church; Christianity.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bažnyčios padėtis; Situation of the Church; Lithuania.

EN"Land of Martyrs and Confessors", that's how Pope John Paul II referred to Lithuania during his visit in 1993. In spite of 50 years of Communist atheistic propaganda, faith in God and a true spiritual feeling has remained in the Lithuanian nation. The Soviet period left deep wounds. Apart from the martyrs and confessors, we also see negative aspects of society: pragmatism, hedonism and a superficial knowledge of the Christian faith, lack of responsibility and corruption. In the presence of the death culture of secularism, the Church recruits bishops, priests and the faithful lay people to fight against the negative life tendencies of society. Hope exists in the fact that one can notice an authentic spiritual seeking in society. Not only with older people, but also with the youth one can notice a discontent to seek just materialistic well-being or to follow the death culture. [From the publication]

1848-9656; 0352-4000
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