Šalių choreografijos įtaka lietuvių choreografiniam folklorui

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
  • Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
  • Lenkų kalba / Polish
Šalių choreografijos įtaka lietuvių choreografiniam folklorui
Alternative Title:
  • Influence of countries’ choreography on Lithuanian choreographic folklore
  • Wpływy obce na litewski folklor taneczny
In the Book:
Lietuvos lenkų tarmės / redaktorė Kristina Rutkovska. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 2016. 1 pdf (10 p.)
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami lietuvių ir nelietuviškos kilmės šokiai, šokami Lietuvoje, trumpai aptariamas jų choreografinis atlikimas. Šio darbo tikslas – nagrinėjant autentišką liaudies choreografiją, išskirti nelietuviškos kilmės šokius. Nagrinėjant etninius ir kitų Europos tautų šokius, iškeliama jų savitarpio santykio problema, kuri dar palyginti menkai ištyrinėta. Darbo uţdaviniai – aptarti lietuvių liaudies choreografijos ypatumus naudojantis rašytiniais bei archyviniais šaltiniais; atskleisti, kokį poveikį kitų tautų šokiai darė lietuvių liaudies choreografijai. Darbe naudojami analizės, lyginimo, apibendrinimo metodai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Choreografija; Tautosaka; Lietuvių šokiai; Šokiai – skoliniai; Choreography; Dances borrowings; Folklore; Lithuanian dances.

ENThe article analyses the dances of Lithuanian and non-Lithuanian origin performed in Lithuania and describes their choreographic performance. The aim of the research is to distinguish the dances of non-Lithuanian origin while analysing authentic folk choreography. The analysis of ethnic and foreign dances raised the problem of their interrelation, which has been relatively weakly analysed. The research objectives are: to discuss the peculiarities of Lithuanian folk choreography using written and archive sources; to reveal the influence of other nations’ dances on Lithuanian folk choreography. The methods used in the research are: analysis, comparison and generalisation. Though choreography has been present in people’s lives for thousands years, most data on Lithuanian choreography dates back to the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The description of choreography contains many borrowings: the names of foreign dances which in some cases entered Lithuanian choreography, in other cases replaced it. The dances of non-Lithuanian origin raised the popularity of partner dances as well as the general pace of choreography and the variety of steps. Every foreign dance added variety to Lithuanian choreography, but was also adapted to Lithuanian choreographic manners. Polish dance Krakowiak was analysed in details. There is a vast number and variety of the collected and described variants of this dance, which was known and danced in almost entire Lithuania. Few foreign dances reached the popularity of this level. [From the publication]

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