Tarmių faktų pateikimas akademiniame "Lietuvių kalbos žodyne"

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tarmių faktų pateikimas akademiniame "Lietuvių kalbos žodyne"
Alternative Title:
Presentation of dialect data in the academic edition of Lietuvių kalbos žodynas
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos tarmių, leksikos pateikimo akademiniame Lietuvių kalbos žodyne (t. I-XX, 1941-2002) ypatybės, jo elektroninių variantų (2005, atnaujinta versija 2008, antras elektroninis leidimas 2013) skirtumai, kuriamų žodyno ir jo kartotekų duomenų bazių teikiamos galimybės. Nagrinėjamos tarmių duomenų rinkimo, autentiškumo, istoriškumo, transponavimo, skaitmeninimo problemos. Tai, kad Lietuvių kalbos žodyno pirmasis elektroninis variantas yra laisvai prieinamas per internete parodė šio žodyno populiarumą visuomenėje, atskleidė žodyne pateiktų transponuotų tarmių faktų suvokimo sunkumus ir žodyno naudotojų bei žodynininkų komunikacijos būtinybe. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žodynas; Duomenų bazė; Tarmių duomenys; Transponavimas; Fonetinė transkripcija; Žodžių geografija; Dictionary; Database; Dialect date; Transposing; Phonetic transcription; Geography of words.

ENThe first edition of the. electronic version of Lietuvių kalbos žodynas (Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language, further - LKŽ) (20 vol, 1941-2002) at www.lkz.lt was released, in 2005 and. in 2008 its new version came out. In this edition words from dialects and old writings and their forms have been corrected on the basis of the latest linguistic research. Entries of wrongly transposed words were removed, their illustrative examples were corrected and Used in the appropriate entries. Comments posted by visitors to the website of the dictionary show that sometimes words from dialects and their forms are viewed as proofreading mistakes and users of the dictionary do not always recognize words and sentences in their dialects or sub-dialects when presented in the dictionary transposed into the standard Lithuanian according to the phonetic rules, ТУ The second edition of the electronic version of LKŽ which was released on memory key in 2013 contains new editorial corrections; words and the main variants of phraseologisms presented in the dictionary entry in highlighted font have been included in the search list. When a mouse pointer touches an abbreviation or a symbol its explanation comes up on the screen.The possibility to expand abbreviations of place-names on the screen enables the users of the dictionary to understand the geography of words better and more quickly. Currently additions to the electronic version of LKŽ are being prepared. Special attention will bе given to dialect words, their forms and accentuation variants, which are recorded in the card files of LKŽ additions, A database of the card files of LKŽ which is being created will be available on the internet. Scanned images of cards contain dialect examples presented in symbols of phonetic transcription and names of villages of origin. This database will provide more possibilities to retrieve additional or more accurate information on dialect words and their distribution. [From the publication]

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