LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Morfologija; Sintaksė; Treebank; Morphological annotations; Syntactic dependencies.
ENThis paper aims to describe the on-going work on creation of the Lithuanian syntactically annotated corpus ALKSNIS focusing on its structure, morphological and syntactic annotation principles. The corpus is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2016, and it should reach about 2350 sentences from texts of various genres. ALKSNIS is based on a dependency model. The corpus is provided in two formats: PML (Prague Markup Language), as a core format, and PAULA XML. The compilation of the list of abbreviations for syntactic labels and collecting of the information about the presentation of the syntactic relations and dependences were based on the experience (with some changes) of Czech researchers [1]. At present, 18 main syntactic labels (excluding variants) are used in ALKSNIS. [From the publication]