Taisyklingo vardų vartojimo prielaidos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Taisyklingo vardų vartojimo prielaidos
Alternative Title:
Conditions of proper usage of names
In the Journal:
Gimtoji kalba mokykloje. 2013, [1], p. 38-44
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokytojai nėra tie žmonės, kurie mokiniams parenka vardus, tačiau mokytojai vartoja tėvų jau suteiktus vardus, todėl šiame straipsnyje analizuojama ne vardų kilmė ar reikšmė, o keletas prielaidų, lemiančių taisyklingą vardų vartojimą. Prielaida - "išankstinė, parengiamoji sąlyga" (LKŽe). Vadinasi, taisyklingai vartoti vardus galima tik laikantis tam tikrų taisyklių, t. y. iš anksto numatytų sąlygų, arba prielaidų. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Accentuation; Correct pronunciation; Kirčiavimas; Linksnių vartojimas; Onomastics; Person name; Taisyklinga tartis; Vardas; Accentuation; Asmens vardas; Correct pronunciation; Kirčiavimas; Name; Onomastika; Taisyklinga tartis; Usage of cases.

ENProper usage of names is conceivable only under certain conditions, i.e. pronunciation and accentuation, regulations of usage of cases and Lithuanianized forms. 368 students’ names were researched: 185 girls’ and 183 boys’ names. 107 girls’ and 105 boys’ names were stated as distinct. Due to the fact that names are frequently used in spoken language, it is necessary to follow the requirements of correct pronunciation: to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, as well as long and short vowels. Taking in consideration that names are used in spoken language, correct accentuation becomes the matter of great importance, therefore it is necessary to follow the requirements of common and individual accentuation paradigms. Usage of Lithuanianized names of non-Lithuanian origin requires to follow the rules of transcription and adaptation (spelling, pronunciation, and accentuation). In addition, one more condition of proper usage of names is suitably assorted cases of names in spoken and written languages. [From the publication]

2351-5430; 9789955321866
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