Антропоморфные метафоры ветра в литовской и русской поэзии

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Антропоморфные метафоры ветра в литовской и русской поэзии
Alternative Title:
Anthropomorphic metaphors of the wind in Lithuanian and Russian poetry
In the Journal:
Komparatīvistikas almanahs [Journal of comparative studies]. 2014, 4 (33), p. 369-386. Cilvēks valodā: etnolingvistika, lingvistiskā pasaules aina
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antropomorfinės metaforos; Lietuvių ir rusų poetinė tradicija; Vėjas; Anthropomorphic metaphors; Lithuanian and Russian poetic tradition; Wind.

ENAnthropomorphic metaphors of wind are widely spread in Lithuanian and Russian poetic texts. Very frequently names of human beings according to their age, social group (profession, nationality, etc.), character traits are included into metaphors, similes and other poetic devices, for example: "vėjas - žilas senis" (Nėr), "ветер плакал, как старик" (Харм), "muzikanto vėjo" (Miež), "ветер восточный – трубач" (Март), "viesulai-padaužos" (Nėr), "только ветер резвый, озорник такой" (Есен). Comparing the essential features of Lithuanian poetic expressions with those of the Russian language, we may conclude that the greatest similarities in how the concept of the wind is included in anthropomorphic metaphor system regard the names of social groups or family relations. We mean such metaphoric models as "wind - relative" (brother, friend, etc.) or "wind - representative of profession" (woodcutter, shepherd, etc.). The analysis shows that the poetic systems of two languages may have a different, individual character: Lithuanian poets use motives of traditional ethnic culture more frequently than Russian authors. [From the publication]

2592-8279; 2255-9388
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