Lietuvos filosofinės minties istorijos šaltiniai. T. 4, Sovietinis laikotarpis, 1945-1989

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos filosofinės minties istorijos šaltiniai. T. 4, Sovietinis laikotarpis, 1945-1989
Alternative Title:
Sources of Lithuanian philosophy. Vol. 4, Soviet period
  • Kabelka, Gintaras, sudarymas [com]
  • Viliūnas, Dalius, redagavimas [edt]
  • Vabalaitė, Rūta Marija, redagavimas [edt]
  • Noreika, Alvydas, redagavimas [edt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2019.
558 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠis leidinys yra Lietuvos filosofijos sovietinio laikotarpio šaltinių mokslinis sisteminis katalogas, skirtas ir filosofijos specialistams, ir auditorijai, besidominčiai ar profesionaliai tyrinėjančiai šio laikotarpio mokslą, kultūrą, visuomenę. Leidinyje pateikiama 1945–1989 filosofijos tekstų panoraminė suvestinė leidžia juos diferencijuoti pagal problematiką ir išliekamąją vertę, atskleidžia sovietinio laikotarpio Lietuvos filosofijos įvairialypumą, kartu pakoreguodama jos dažną negatyvų tapatinimą vien tik su marksizmu ar sovietine ideologija. Sudarytas išsamus šio laikotarpio filosofinių tekstų autorių registras, parengtos visų jų biogramos, kuriose pateikiami svarbiausi akademinės karjeros faktai iki nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Parengtos filosofinių tekstų anotacijos. Biogramos sudaro filosofų žinyną ir pateikia kiek manoma išsamesnius prozopografinius duomenis apie filosofų bendriją. Sovietmečiu filosofija funkcionavo kaip profesionali akademinė disciplina, tad darbe anotuojami visi pirmiausia filosofų profesionalų tekstai. Anotuojamos ir nefilosofų (istorikų, literatūrologų, menotyrininkų ir kt.) publikacijos, jei jose nagrinėjama filosofijos praeitis ar filosofinės problemos. Leidinyje pristatyti 145 filosofinių tekstų autoriai, apie 100 filosofijos kandidato disertacijų, virš 100 filosofijos knygų, apie 2000 mokslinių ir filosofijos populiarinimo straipsnių. [Leidėjo anotacija]

ENThe Institute of Philosophy, sociology and law of the Academy of Sciences of Lithuanian S.S.R. has started in 1980s to investigate thoroughly a philosophical heritage of Lithuania. The work has started with a composition of an index of sources. The status of the „source“ has been alocated not only to the works of professional philosophers, that had a form of theoretical treatises, but also to all other texts, created in Lithuania or being substantially relevant with it and obtaining impicit or explicit philosophical content and ideological value. The titles of the editions of volumes contain therefore a term „thought“, which expresses the breadth of the subject. The fourth volume is designed for the composition of the scientific systemic catalogue of the sources of Lithuanian philosophy during the Soviet period (1945–1989). It provides a panoramic view of the philosophy of the period, destined both for the specialists in the field of philosophy and the broader audiences which are interested in a professional research in the development of sciences and culture during the soviet period. This overall picture would let us differentiate the philosophical texts according to its problematics, philosophical trend and value, also to reveal the variety within the Lithuanian philosophy of the Soviet period, together with a correction of often negative identification of all the philosophy of the period only with marxism and soviet ideology. The exhaustive register of all philosophers is composed and their biogramms are produced. The full bibliography of every philosopher including monographs (if there were any), scientific articles and publications for the popularization of science, critical reviews, polemical and similar articles, and also unpublished articles is compiled.The annotations for the philosophical texts are prepared. The biograms compose the philosophical dictionary and present exhaustive as possible prosopographical data on the community of philosophers. The annotations present a brief outline of the problematics developed in the texts and the ways of their resolution. If it is possible the broader branch or the discipline of the philosophy to which the text belongs is determined. The scientific study, presenting the development of the philosophy during the Soviet period, and the specific of its distinct stages, is prepared. Research shows that Lithuanian philosophy since 1970 was growing exponentially (is in the phase of “youth of science”): the total amount of philosophical texts doubles during 8–11 years periods. The study presents the interpretation of bibliometric data about the Lithuanian philosophical discourse (1960–1989) concerning the philosophical disciplines, branches, and authors of the texts. It analyzes the scientific communication of Lithuanian philosophical historiography: the teacher – pupil relations, the establishment of scientific schools and their structure form the point of view of sociology of science. It applies bibliometrics to analyze the flow of philosophy dissertations in Lithuania during the Soviet period. All philosophy dissertations defended during this period were registered and classified by date of defense, authors, scientific institutions, philosophical trends and disciplines, scientific supervisors.Research shows that the flow of dissertations does not correllate to the growth of Lithuanian their structure form the point of view of sociology of science. It applies bibliometrics to analyze the flow of philosophy dissertations in Lithuania during the Soviet period. All philosophy dissertations defended during this period were registered and classified by date of defense, authors, scientific institutions, philosophical trends and disciplines, scientific supervisors. philosophical discourse. the institutional structure of the flow of dissertations are revealed. The most significant scientific institution was Vilnius University. Approximately a third of the dissertations were defended in Moscow and Leningrad. It concludes that the group of Eugenijus Meškauskas was the most numerous constellation of master–pupil ties in Lithuanian philosophy. This group can be considered as the only scientific school in Lithuanian philosophy The study also analyzes the application of the Marxist methodology in Lithuania. A. Lozuraitis and J. Mureika regard Marxism as quite reliable method for solution of some theoretical problems. Their approach is akin to the methodology of history of problems. In Marxist methodology of the history of philosophy the analysis of static elements of history is dominating. It considers the dynamic factors as secondary and tries to elaborate the concept of development of philosophy towards Marxism. Some of its representatives renounce the radical progressivism and treat Marxism as one contemporary trend of philosophy among the others. J. Repšys develops an attitude which criticizes the dogmatism and schematism of the Marxism, expresses the continuous decrease in the accentuation of philosophical partisanship and social determinism, with a relevant increase within the Marxism of the importance of principles of problematic approach. [...]. [From the publication]

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2022-02-03 18:02:16
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