Iš lietuvių kalbos skyrybos norminimo istorijos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Iš lietuvių kalbos skyrybos norminimo istorijos
Alternative Title:
Facts from the history of standardizing punctuation of the Lithuanian language
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami svarbiausi lietuvių kalbos skyrybos norminimo raidos dalykai, kurie pateikti įvairiuose skyrybos taisyklių sąvaduose nuo 1911 m. J. Jablonskio Lietuvių kalbos sintaksės iki 2006 m. Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisijos patvirtintų privalomosios ir pasirenkamosios skyrybos taisyklių. Žvelgiant j skyrybos norminimo raidą, reikia konstatuoti, kad daugumos sintaksinių atvejų skyrybos normos liko nepakitusios. Kiek daugiau, laisvėjimo linkme, kito dalyvinių, pusdalyvinių ir padalyvinių aplinkybių, lyginamųjų posakių, sudėtinio sujungiamojo sakinio dėmenų skyryba, plėtėsi įterpiniais galinčių eiti modalinių žodžių skyrybos samprata. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pasirenkamoji skyryba; Privalomoji ir pasirenkamoji skyryba; Privalomoji skyryba; Skyryba; Skyrybos normų raida; Skyrybos ženklai; Skyrybos ženklas; Compulsory and optional punctuation; Compulsory punctuation; Evolution of the norms of punctuation; Optional punctuation; Punctuation; Punctuation mark; Punctuation marks; The evolution of the norms of punctuation.

ENThe present article is related to discussion about facts concerning the development of standardization of Lithuanian language punctuation that are presented in different collections of punctuation rules from 1911 until 2006. In 1911, the “Syntax of the Lithuanian Language” by Jonas Jablonskis was published in Seinai. It contains a short presentation of punctuation marks and their usage in the language. Although definite punctuation rules are not presented in the publication, it contains explanations where and how one or another punctuation mark should be used, and numerous examples are included. The first description of punctuation norms that should be treated as quite comprehensive is the chapter “Punctuation Marks” included in the 1922 book “Grammar of the Lithuanian Language” by Jonas Jablonskis. Cases of their usage are usually described using the grammar and intonation principle, and punctuation rules are presented according to punctuation marks. The principles of presenting the aforementioned punctuation norms are also applied in later sets of punctuation rules: “Handbook of Lithuanian Writing” (1938), “Fundamentals of Lithuanian Writing” (1943), “Dictionary of Lithuanian Writing” (1948), ir kt. Most probably, the most comprehensive description of Lithuanian punctuation norms is the set of language rules called “Lithuanian Spelling and Punctuation” published in 1992. It contains systematization of all punctuation, presents comprehensive rules and illustrates them with numerous examples.The introduction to the chapter of punctuation contains concise formulation of the basic principles of punctuation standards: the syntactic principle (“punctuation rules are based on interrelation among sentence parts and components and are predetermined by them”) and the intonational principle (“importance lies in the intonational-notional independence of sentence parts and components, sentence expression and emotional nuances”). “Lithuanian Spelling and Punctuation” contains clear formulation of optional punctuation possibilities. Yet compulsory and optional punctuation cases are presented together in this publication. In the 2006 resolution of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language, compulsory and optional rules of punctuation are already presented separately. Such separation should be treated as a very important fact in the rules of punctuation, as it leaves much more freedom for text authors and editors both in punctuating (non-punctuating) in certain cases and in selection of punctuation marks. When looking at the development of the punctuation of various syntactic cases, it is necessary to state that the majority of their punctuation norms have remained unchanged. A little more freedom came into the punctuation of participial adverbial modifiers, comparative expressions and components of compound sentences. The understanding of the punctuation of modal words that can serve as parentheses has expanded as well. [From the publication]

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