The Influence of new public governance on the development of distributed leadership in educational institutions

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The Influence of new public governance on the development of distributed leadership in educational institutions
In the Journal:
Švietimas. Švietimo politika / Education. Education policy; Valdymas / Management.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Naujas viešasis valdymas; Naujoji viešoji vadyba; Paskirstyta lyderystė; Paskirstytoji lyderystė; Vadovas; Vadovavimas; Švietimo institucijos; Švietimo įstaiga; Distributed leadership; Educational institution; Head; Management; New public governance.

ENDistributed leadership is the idea that has been much discussed in the last decade. Meanwhile, the main problem of modern public governance evolutionary process is transformation from new public management to new public governance. The aim of the paper is to reveal the influence of new public governance and its implementation in practice on the development of distributed leadership in educational institutions. Based on theoretical research data, it is possible to state that currently, distributed leadership is the dominant idea of management. Lithuanian legal documents, the administrative environment, and specifics of institutions’ activity create vast possibilities for development of distributed leadership in these organisations. The ideas of new public governance and distributed leadership of educational institutions are closely interlinked, as both are characterized by the following factors: decentralized management, collegial organizational structure, leadership as interaction. They both face similar challenges, i.e. the problem of “empowering” society / community, the issue of responsibility and accountability. The implementation of leadership ideas in Lithuanian educational institutions is not strictly regulated. Therefore, each organization can independently make decisions in order to optimize the decisions of the organization, or to take no action if the obvious organizational and structural changes in the organization are not required by the institutions controlling the activities of educational institutions. [From the publication]

2255-8071; 2661-5207; 2255-808X
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2020-04-18 07:34:49
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