Vilniaus miesto viešųjų erdvių sistema

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus miesto viešųjų erdvių sistema
Alternative Title:
Vilnius urban public spaces system
In the Journal:
Geologija. Geografija. 2018, t. 4, nr. 4, p. 168-181
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje supažindinama su viešųjų erdvių sistemos tyrimais, viešosios erdvės samprata ir viešųjų erdvių sistemos koncepcija. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas Vilniaus miesto viešųjų erdvių sistemos, jos ypatumų bei probleminių arealų analizei ir aptarimui. Nustatyta, kad Vilniaus miesto viešųjų erdvių sistema teritoriniu požiūriu yra susiformavusi netolygiai. Vienose Vilniaus miesto dalyse, pavyzdžiui, senamiestyje, viešųjų erdvių sistema yra išvystyta, didelis plotas viešųjų erdvių, jų tinklas yra tankus, o kitose Vilniaus miesto dalyse, pavyzdžiui, „miegamuosiuose“ priemiesčiuose ar sovietinio laikotarpio gyvenamuosiuose rajonuose, viešųjų erdvių tiek kiekis, tiek plotas yra mažesnis, jaučiamas jų trūkumas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Grafų teorija; Viešoji erdvė; Viešųjų erdvių sistema; Vilniaus miestas; Vilnius; Graph theory; Public space; System of public spaces; Vilnius; Vilnius, graph theory.

ENThe objective of the article is to disclose the peculiarities of the Vilnius urban public spaces system. Due to a complex historical development of Vilnius, the Vilnius urban public spaces system experienced various influences from the West and the East. During the development of the Vilnius urban public spaces system, some parts of the system were planned and designed in line with the tendencies of planning of public spaces in one time period, while other public spaces experienced different influences and were developed during different time periods. As a result of this complex development and different influences, an uneven Vilnius urban public spaces system was formed, with its denser network of public spaces in some parts of the city and not so dense in other parts of the city. This public spaces distribution unevenness manifests in the fact that there is a higher concentration of public places in the central part of the city, especially in the Old Town, while in the “sleeping” suburbs or the Soviet-era residential areas there are less public places and the network of public places is less developed.This article gives an overview of the concept of public space and the concept of public spaces system, as well as an opportunity to see the Vilnius urban public spaces system, its features and problematic areas from a different view. In this article it was found out that the Vilnius urban public spaces system was developed in different ways. In some parts of Vilnius, such as the Old Town, or in general, in the central part of the city, the public spaces system has more or less developed its network with more public spaces, while in other parts of Vilnius, such as the suburbs or the Soviet-era residential areas, there are fewer public spaces or a shortage of them. [From the publication]

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