ENThe very phenomenon, establishing a growing number of spin-offs and start-ups affiliated with universities worldwide, implies a number of scientific problems such as, for instance, modeling and predicting further developments. In Lithuania, even though the number of start-ups and spin-offs affiliated with universities started to grow, it is still low, and challenges government to take appropriate actions to promote technology transfer. Spreading of innovation and socio-economic development is still a problem as well as managing university start-ups and spin-offs what might be referred to the different thinking paradigms of actors (business, academia and government) involved in technology transfer. Triple-helix model by Etzkowitz [3, 293-337] and Leydesdorff allows proper analysis of the problem. It helps to assume the most important ideas of the cyclic model of the so- called “fourth generation”, and National Innovation System's model, and the ideas of the Regional Innovation Systems1 model and therefore it is acceptable for the analysis of transferring science and technology knowledge for public policy measures. When creating this model, they assume the national system of national innovations as a particular type of “triple spiral” where all sectors stand for their traditional roles. When “triple ties” are already developed, the sectors become more internally connected due to innovation processes as such. [Extract, p. 113]