Trakų Dievo Motinos atvaizdo karūnavimo 1718 metais istorinis ir kulto kontekstas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Trakų Dievo Motinos atvaizdo karūnavimo 1718 metais istorinis ir kulto kontekstas
Alternative Title:
Historical and cult context of the coronation of the image of Our Lady of Trakai in 1718
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2018, t. 90, p. 103-113. Po Trakų Dievo Motinos karūna
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos dvi dažnai painiojamos praktikos – karūnų paaukojimas arba dovanojimas sakraliniams atvaizdams ir iškilmingas sakralinių atvaizdų karūnavimas. Trumpai minimos karūnos kaip votai ir daug dėmesio skiriama iškilmingam atvaizdų karūnavimui kaip oficialiam bažnytiniam jų kulto pripažinimui. Tokiu pripažinimu XVII a. tapo atvaizdų karūnavimas vadinamosiomis Popiežiaus karūnomis. Remiantis Šv. Petro bazilikos Vatikane kapitulos Dievo Motinos atvaizdų karūnavimo archyvu, apžvelgiama Dievo Motinos atvaizdų karūnavimo aukso karūnomis genezė ir paplitimas, karūnų suteikimo tvarkos ypatumai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atvaizdų kultas; Mergelės Marijos kultas; Šv. Petro bazilika Vatikane; Atvaizdų karūnavimas; Coronation of sacral images; Cult of the Mother of God; Chapter of Saint Peter’s Basilica; Sforza Pallavicini Foundation.

ENThe article discusses two practices that are often confused – offering or donation of crowns for sacral images, and ceremonial coronation of sacral images. Crowns as votive offerings are briefly discussed, and much attention is given to the ceremonial coronation of images as official ecclesiastical recognition of their cult. In the 17th century, coronation of images with the so-called papal crowns became a sign of such recognition. Referring to the archive of the coronation of images of the Mother of God of Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the genesis and spread of the coronation of images of the Mother of God with golden crowns and the features of the crown-granting procedure are discussed. Donation or offering of crowns for sacral images is much older and more widespread than the ceremonial granting of an extraordinary religious status to the image of Mother of God with Child, which descended from the Christian ritual of coronation of rulers. Crowns are a confirmation of such recognition, but no less important are ceremonial and public religious acts that follow the granting of crowns – church festivals, during which believers are encouraged to perform confession and take communion, as well as a comprehensive catechesis, processions and sermons strengthening the cult of the venerated image. In the second half of the 17th century, the religious elements of such festivities were established by the Pope’s environment, and secular elements in the form of army parades, cannon salvoes, fireworks and illuminations were added by the rulers of secular institutions – cities and states.In the context of the Reformation, which objected to sacral images and the cult of the Mother of God, donation of votive crowns for the venerated images of the Mother of God, sporadically found in Latin Christianity, was transformed into a new form of devotion – public and ceremonial coronation of images, thus emphasizing and strengthening the cult of the Mother of God and her images. [From the publication]

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Trakų Marijos paveikslo aptaisai / Birutė Rūta Vitkauskienė. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis 2001, t. 21. P. 153-166.
2019-08-16 16:14:50
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