Subalansuotos pramonės plėtros strategija: teorija ir praktika

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Subalansuotos pramonės plėtros strategija: teorija ir praktika
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Technologija, 2004.
504 p
Sutrumpinimai — Įvadas — 1. Pramoninė ekologija - subalansuotos plėtros strategija — 2. Švaresnė gamyba - sisteminis aplinkos apsaugos problemų sprendimas — 3. Švaresnės gamybos plėtros galimybių Lietuvos pramonėje analizė — 4. Regioninės švaresnės gamybos plėtros modelis — 5. Švaresnės gamybos projektų finansavimas — 6. Švaresnės gamybos plėtros ir tęstinumo užtikrinimo sistema Lietuvoje — 7. Aplinkos vadybos sistemos - priemonė švaresnės gamybos tęstinumui pasiekti — 8. Ekologiškai švaresnių gaminių projektavimas: skatinamieji veiksniai ir perspektyvos — 9. Subalansuota pramonės plėtra ir vartojimas — Baigiamasis žodis — Summary — Contents — Literatūros sąrašas — Priedai — Pagrindinių sąvokų žodynas.
Summary / Abstract:

LTDauguma aplinkos apsaugos problemų yra susijusios su ekonomine plėtra. Siekiant išsaugoti švarią ir sveiką aplinką, verslo sąlygos tampa vis sudėtingesnės. Subalansuotos plėtros principų taikymas pramonės įmonių veikloje tampa vis svarbesniu konkurencingumo didinimo veiksniu. Europos Komisijos darbiniame dokumente dėl subalansuotos pramonės plėtros pabrėžiama, kad aplinkos apsaugos ir pramonės plėtros politika yra labai svarbi, siekiant subalansuotos plėtros, ir kad šių politikos sričių integravimas skatins įgyvendinti aplinkos apsaugos priemones, didinti konkurencingumą, taikyti inovacijas ir kurti naujas darbo vietas. Dokumente akcentuojama prevencinių aplinkos apsaugos priemonių ir valstybinių institucijų vaidmens, kuriant sąlygas, skatinančias subalansuotą pramonės plėtrą, reikšmė. Vertinant Lietuvos pramonės tolesnės plėtros galimybes ir galimus pokyčių tempus, būtina atsižvelgti į tai, kad su atsilikusia ir ištekliams imlia ekonomika bei užteršta aplinka šalis paveldėjo ir nemažai teigiamų dalykų. Visų pirma tai pakankamai aukštas žmonių išsilavinimo lygis, neblogai išplėtota energetikos, susisiekimo ir ryšių infrastruktūra ir pan. Šis žmogiškasis ir ekonominis potencialas sudaro neblogas prielaidas pakankamai sparčiai visų sektorių plėtrai. Svarbu, kad ši plėtra vyktų laikantis pagrindinių subalansuotos plėtros principų. [...]. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pramoninė ekologija; Aplinkos apsauga; Švaresnė gamyba; Finansavimas; Ekologiškai švaresni gaminiai; Subalansuotas vartojimas; Industrial ecology; Environmental protection; Cleaner production; Financing; Ecologically cleaner products; Sustainable consumption.

ENTo meet the combined requirements of the legislation, it is increasingly clear that scientific solutions to ecological issues can no longer be isolated to one problem, one scale, one level of ecosystem. It is also obvious that because of the complexity of environmental problems and the ecosystems on which they act, the problems are not as likely to be solved as they are to be managed. The given rate of development of the man-made environment, present regulatory approaches may not always limit risks of vulnerable ecosystems to tolerable levels. There is a need to develop new, cost-effective prevention and control, remediation approaches for sources of environmental impacts and adaptation approaches for ecosystems. Negative impacts on ecosystem from both natural and anthropogenic sources are inevitable. And although policymakers, industries and the public are growing more aware of the seriousness of environmental problems, better understanding their causes and identifying solutions, important gaps and information barriers remain. Role of industry in the process of sustainable development is obvious. It relates to changes in production processes and products aimed at improvement of environmental, economic and social performance of enterprises. To enable evaluation of progress in the process of sustainable industrial development, actual activities undertaken by enterprises that contribute to achieving environmental, economic and social aims have been specified and described in the article.Such activities include cleaner production/cleaner technologies, environmental/integrated management systems, product oriented measures and sustainability reporting based on performance evaluation. Most of environmental problems are linked to economic development and business conditions are becoming more and more complicated due to increasing environmental concerns. Therefore, practical application of sustainable development principles in activities of industrial enterprises is becoming an important aspect of business competition. From other side, sustainable development opens new business opportunities, e.g. development of more environmentally friendly products and processes. Additionally, application of preventive environmental management measures helps to increase productivity, to reduce use of natural resources and associated costs, to reduce costs for waste management and pollution control, to reduce risks, etc, i.c. to improve environmental, economic and social performance that in turn provides competitive advantage. Sustainable industrial development could be defined as a process of adopting business strategies and activities to meet the needs of the enterprise and its stakeholders today while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future. Concept of sustainable industrial development is very general and there could be many different interpretations of what it actually means in practice. To enable evaluation of progress in the process of sustainable industrial development, actual activities undertaken by companies that contribute to achieving environmental, economic and social aims of sustainable industrial development have been specified and a set of performance indicators have been developed.Good progress in Lithuania has been made in development of strategies and programs for sustainable industrial development and in use of its measures - waste minimisation / cleaner production (CP) approaches, life cycle assessment, ecodesign and environmental management systems. The attempt to evaluate impact of sustainable development strategy implementation on environmental situation improvement and Industrial Environmental compliance culture development was made in this monograph. In the first chapter Industrial ecology as an emerging concept for the promotion of environmentally sound manufacturing and consumption was introduced. Industrial ecology is defined as a dynamic systems-based framework that enables management of human activity on a sustainable basis by: minimizing energy and materials usage; ensuring acceptable quality of life for people; minimizing the ecological impact of human activity to levels that natural systems can sustain; and maintaining the economic viability of systems for industry, trade and commerce. It is a way of thinking, designing and changing industrial systems from the present linear system to a more or less closed-loop system, patterned after the natural ecosystems. Its approach involves (1) application of systems science to industrial systems, (2) defining the system boundary to incorporate the natural world, and (3) seeking to optimize that system. It is applied to private sector manufacturing, service and government operations including provision of infrastructure. [...]. [From the publication]

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