Trakų parapija ir jos šventovė XV–XVIII amžiuje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Trakų parapija ir jos šventovė XV–XVIII amžiuje
Alternative Title:
Trakai parish and its shrine in the 15th–18th centuries
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2018, t. 90, p. 71-101. Po Trakų Dievo Motinos karūna
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, daugiausia remiantis archyviniais šaltiniais, apžvelgiama Trakų bažnyčios ir parapijos istorija Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės laikais. Trumpai aptarus Trakų, kaip reikšmingo bažnytinio centro, genezę XV a. – XVI a. pirmoje pusėje, plačiau nagrinėjama Trakų bažnyčios, kaip parapijos šventovės ir svarbaus visos Lietuvos piligriminio centro, raida potridentinėje epochoje (XVII–XVIII a.) ir išryškinami kai kurie piligrimystės į Trakus istorijos aspektai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Trakų bažnyčia; Stebuklingasis atvaizdas; Parapija; Šventovė; Piligrimystė; Trakai church; Miraculous image; Parish; Shrine; Pilgrimage.

ENThe official status of the Trakai church (a collegiate church and, later, a provostry), its rich material endowment, and high-ranking Church officials who acted as provosts of Trakai provide sufficient proof that this church has been exceptional since the reign of Grand Duke Vytautas. In addition, the hitherto unnoticed fact about the existence of a fraternity in Trakai in the first half of the 16th century should be mentioned. The shrine of Trakai enjoyed the height of its splendour since the early 17th century until the mid-18th century, when it was one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Jesuits of Vilnius College-University were the first to organize public processions-pilgrimages from Vilnius to Trakai: the first one was mentioned in 1585, and soon it became much larger and regular. The treasury of the shrine was gradually filled with precious votive offerings of the pilgrims, and the church services were accompanied by instrumental music. The peak of this period was marked by the coronation of the miraculous image of Our Lady in 1718 with crowns conferred by the Chapter of the Vatican Basilica. On the other hand, the life of the Trakai parish community was quite an ordinary one – except for the unique prescriptions for pastoral care (“Statuta pro cura animarum diligenter exercenda, divino cultu rite peragendo, bono ordine in spiritualibus et temporalibus servando”) compiled in 1750 by the provost Joseph Stanislaus Sapieha. Since the late 18th century, the shrine was subject to gradual decline, which was caused by different reasons: the sober mentality of the Catholic Enlightenment, hostile to ostentatious practices, the increasing popularity of other shrines, the misfortunes which affected the Trakai church (e. g., the fire of 1794), and the negligence of the provosts. [From the publication]

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