Švč. Mergelė Marija – Konstantinopolio ir Lietuvos globėja

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Švč. Mergelė Marija – Konstantinopolio ir Lietuvos globėja
Alternative Title:
All-Holy Virgin Mary, heavenly protector of Constantinople and Lithuania
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2018, t. 90, p. 15-47. Po Trakų Dievo Motinos karūna
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos ankstyviausios rašytinių istorijos šaltinių žinios apie Švč. Mergelės Marijos kultą katalikiškoje Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės dalyje, siekiant parodyti tam tikrų marijinio kulto apraiškų bizantiškas šaknis. Remiantis pirminiais šaltiniais ir taikant lyginamąją perspektyvą, siekiama gilesnio, detalesnio lietuviškų ir bizantietiškų tipologiškai artimų fenomenų (procesijų, Dievo Motinos atvaizdų gerbimo, triumfo ideologijos apraiškų) pažinimo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Švč. Mergelė Marija; Konstantinopolis; Bizantija; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Trakai; Vytautas; Valdžia; Mother of God; Constantinople; Byzantium; Trakai; Grand Duke Vytautas; Power; Authority.

ENThe aim of this article is to track down and follow the rise of the concept of the Mother of God as a protector of the Byzantine Empire and to analyse when and how these ideas came to be applied to Lithuania-related subjects and objects. Special attention is given to the picture of Our Lady of Trakai since it contains an inscription on the reverse side saying that Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus presented this picture as a gift to Grand Duke Vytautas on the occasion of his baptism. The inscription also states that this very image was carried in a triumphal procession staged by Emperor John II Comnenus on the occasion of his victory over the “Huns and Persians” (1133). Despite its strongly legendary character, this inscription does some justice to the real contacts between Byzantium and Lithuania during the reigns of Manuel and Vytautas. Their reigns represented a period of time when shared interests were in place and diplomatic contacts between Constantinople and Lithuania were the most intense. It is to be noted that during the entire sixteenth century the idea that Virgin Mary might act as a military saint in favour of Lithuanian troops was almost non-existent. The military and protective functions of the Virgin become visible (again?) starting from the seventeenth century. It was the Jesuit poet Maciej Sarbiewski (1595–1640) who was the first to relate the victories and triumphs of Vytautas to his devotion to the Mother of God. The defence of the Częstochowa shrine against the Swedes in 1655 was a decisive turn in prompting a new wave of Marian devotion in Poland and Lithuania alike. The idea that the Mother of God was the Queen of Poland gained wide currency and was sealed by the coronation of the Częstochowa image on 8 September 1717. The coronation of the Trakai image followed next year (4 September 1718).In our opinion, it was in connection to this coronation that the above-mentioned inscription was composed. As the Częstochowa image had its origin story tracing its appearance back to Byzantium and Rusʼ, the sacred image of Our Lady of Trakai had to be provided with a similar story in order to upgrade its prestige and to make it as revered an image as that of Częstochowa. [From the publication]

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