Vytautas Soblys: mokslo straipsniai ir kūrybinis palikimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vytautas Soblys: mokslo straipsniai ir kūrybinis palikimas
  • Dautaras, Jonas, sudarymas, parengė [com, edt]
  • Ragauskas, Aivas, redagavimas [edt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto leidykla, 2015.
244 p
Bibliografija prie straipsnių.
PRATARMĖ / Marijona Barkauskaitė, Jonas Dautaras — I. VYTAUTAS SOBLYS IR JO PEDAGOGINĖ, MOKSLINĖ VEIKLA: Vytauto Soblio pedagoginiai užmojai, svajonės ir nuopelnai / Algirdas Gaižutis; Vytauto Soblio gyvenimo ir veiklos kontūrai / Jonas Dautaras; Mokytojo asmenybė ir auklėjimo problemos Vytauto Soblio darbuose / Marijona Barkauskaitė; Vytautas Soblys – pedagoginio instituto mokslinio potencialo puoselėtojas / Ona Tijūnėlienė; Vytautas Soblys apie „Jean Piaget’o psichologinius tyrinėjimus“ / Violeta Rimkevičienė; Vytauto Soblio raštų kalba / Regina Rinkauskienė — II . VYTAUTO SOBLIO KŪRYBINIS PALIKIMAS: 1. Pradžios mokyklų mokytojų rengimas; 2. Ugdymo problemos Vytauto Soblio darbuose; 3. Užsienio šalių pedagoginė mintis; 4. Psichologinių tyrinėjimų problematika: Jean Piaget’o psichologiniai tyrinėjimai — VYTAUTO SOBLIO DARBAI (1925–1964) / Sudarė Jonas Dautaras — LITERATŪRA APIE VYTAUTĄ SOBLĮ (1935–2015) / Sudarė Jonas Dautaras — SVARBIAUSIOS GYVENIMO DATOS / Parengė Jonas Dautaras — SUMMARY — APIE AUTORIUS — SANTRUMPOS / Parengė Jonas Dautaras — ASMENVARDŽIŲ RODYKLĖ / Sudarė Jonas Dautaras — PRIEDAI CD.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKnygoje atskleidžiama pirmojo Respublikos pedagoginio instituto (dabar – Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas) direktoriaus Vytauto Soblio, įkūrusio ir vadovavusio šiai institucijai 1935–1937 metais, gyvenimas ir veikla: studijos Tulūzos, Sorbonos ir Paryžiaus universitetuose, administracinis ir pedagoginis darbas Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose, mokslinė ir visuomeninė veikla. Pirmoje knygos dalyje mokslininkų straipsniuose išnagrinėtos V. Soblio gvildentos pedagoginės, psichologinės bei filosofinės problemos, akcentuojamas jų aktualumas tuometiniam Lietuvos švietimui bei dabarčiai. Antroje leidinio dalyje talpinamas autentiškas V. Soblio kūrybinis palikimas; toliau pateikiama mokslininko darbų bibliografijos rodyklė bei literatūra apie jį ir kt. Priedai – autentiški V. Soblio straipsniai iš periodinės spaudos bei svarbesni dokumentai, susiję su jo gyvenimu ir moksline veikla, taip pat ikonografija – pateikti kompaktinėje plokštelėje (CD). [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jaunosios kartos ugdymas; Mokytojo asmenybė; Mokytojų rengimo programa; Popamokinis; Popamokinis ugdymas; Švietimas; After-school education; Education of the younger generation; Extra curriculum education; Personality of a teacher; Teacher training program; Teacher's personality.

ENThe present study of Vytautas Soblys‘s (1903–1968) biography reveals some details of his personal life and highlights an array of his research, pedagogical, and social activities. He was a prominent scholarly figure of Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century, doctor in philosophy, director of the first Institute of Education in Lithuania, which was established in Klaipeda in 1935. The very fact that there is not much information available about V. Soblys’s many-faceted activity, especially about his significant pedagogical work, alongside the upcoming 80th anniversary of the Institute (now named Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences), served as the main reason for writing this book. The first part of the book discusses V. Soblys’s path of life, his pedagogical activities and the problems he faced while trying to bring the Lithuanian educational system closer to the academic quality standards of Western Europe. A group of contemporary scholars came together for the cooperative effort with the aim of revealing the most important educational, psychological and philosophical ideas studied by V. Soblys and found in his works on the matters of primary education reform, teacher training, and issues of general education and upbringing. One of the authors, Algirdas Gaizutis, in his article ‘Pedagogical Ambitions, Dreams and Merits of Doctor Soblys’, reveals that V. Soblys’s pedagogical activity was largely based on in-depth reflection and the experience, accumulated in the schools of Germany, France and Austria of that time. The author of the article convincingly demonstrates that V. Soblys’s published works asserted a direct relation between pedagogical studies and philosophy, psychology, sociology as well as other social sciences, which speaks for V. Soblys’s sound reasoning of the value of educational ideas, education reform patterns and achievements in education of the respective countries.In this study, Jonas Dautaras presents some new biographical facts of V. Soblys’s family background, his childhood, school years, professional aspirations and attitude towards the teaching profession, foreign language learning, and research activity. V. Soblys studied the science of education, psychology and philosophy at the universities of Toulouse, Sorbonne and Paris. On coming back to Lithuania, he mostly focused on educational activities, which remained in focus even in later years, when he was appointed to fulfill different administrative duties: as inspector for research activities at Kaunas Higher Physical Education Course Programme, director of the Institute of Education of Lithuania, and later on – as director of the Department for Culture of the Ministry of Education. In the Soviet period, V. Soblys underwent unduly restrictions and experienced unfair treatment of his professional activities. Marijona Barkauskaite, in her article ‘Issues of Teacher Personality and Problems in Education as Viewed by Soblys’, on the grounds of articles published by V. Soblys in the period between WW1 and WW2 at the time of Lithuania’s independent statehood, reveals his ideas on the significance of teacher personality and some characteristic teacher professional features, which are essentially needed for the sustainable development of the young generation. The author highlights the value of experimental pedagogy and emphasizes the need for constant and on-going relationship between the would-be teacher and actual school reality ‘in terms of getting into contact with school life, lesson activities, school learners, school staff and administrative requirements, school documentation and education policy documents coming from the Ministry of Education’.Ona Tijuneliene, in her article „The Staff of the Institute of Education and Their Activities“, highlights V. Soblys‘s role in recruiting research and academic staff of the institution for preparing highly qualified teachers and trying to share and spread the progressive western experience. The author notes that the criteria for becoming a staff member included a number of requirements: general professional education, pedagogical work experience, and ability and inclination to do research and publish ideas. Violeta Rimkeviciene, in the article ‘Vytautas Soblys on Jean Piaget’s Research in Psychology’, outlines the major issues and trends in Piaget’s psychological research up to the year 1935, namely, the research on child speech and thinking, peculiarities of child reasoning and mental development, psychological dynamism and behavioral volatility in children. Another important question was the application of quantitative methods in psychological research of children. Regina Rinkauskiene, in her article ‘On the Language of Vytautas Soblys Writing’, examines V. Soblys’s written language, which might have been influenced by the forming processes of standard Lithuanian, taking place in the first half of the 20th century. Jonas Jablonskis, Kazimieras Jaunius, Antanas Salys and other linguists worked very hard on language standardization in those days. V. Soblys’s written works also appeared at that time, and the linguistic situation and dialect peculiarities might have also had impact on V. Soblys’s works. The second part of the book is made of V. Soblys’s authentic pedagogical scripts (articles, reports, lecture notes, interviews, public speeches, etc.) that had mainly been published in the periodical press of Lithuania. [From the publication]

2022-02-10 15:26:09
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