Influence of CSR policies in preventing dysfunctional behaviour in organizations

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Influence of CSR policies in preventing dysfunctional behaviour in organizations
In the Journal:
Procedia - social and behavioral sciences. 2015, 205, p. 340-348. 6th World conference on psychology, counseling and guidance (WCPCG-2015)
Prevencija / Prevention.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Nepotizmas; Kronizmas; Favoritizmas; Protekcionizmas; Vidiniai socialiniai santykiai; Asocialus elgesys; Įmonių socialinė atsakomybė; Prevencija; Nepotism; Cronyism; Favouritism; Protectionism; Internal social relations; Dysfunctional behaviour; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Prevention.

ENCorporate social responsibility by default is viewed as a positive phenomenon in organization performance and consequently most investigations are focusing on this positive perspective. In the eyes of society socially responsible organizations are usually success stories of impeccable reputation, excellent performance, fostering the welfare of their employees, ensuring the clients’ rights and wealth, focusing on the impacts and outcomes for society, stakeholders and the firm itself; in other words they are an excellent example for all to emulate. However, the CSR domain is not always as brilliant as it may seem from the first glance, and even such organizations are incapable of obviating internal problems of destructive and controversial character. The problem of this research is identification of cases of dysfunctional behaviour in socially responsible organizations and preventive strategies, if any, incorporated in internal regulating rules, codes and other operational documents. The aim of the research: to identify dysfunctional behaviour in organizations, ascribing themselves to the category of socially responsible ones, focusing on such phenomena as nepotism, cronyism, favouritism and CSR code and strategies as a means to prevent this negative phenomenon. Theoretical reasoning for this research is based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, whereas for the empirical research the method of structured interview is used. Interviews with managers of CSR enterprises proved that the construct of dysfunctional behaviour, which covers a wide spectrum of deviant actions, including protectionism in all its forms (nepotism, cronyism, favouritism) is not sufficiently described in ethical codes and other internal regulating documents of even socially responsible organizations. [From the publication]

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