Žemaičių kalba ir rašyba

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žemaičių kalba ir rašyba
Alternative Title:
Samogitian language and writing
Publication Data:
Šiauliai : Šiaulių universiteto bibliotekos Leidybos skyrius, 2017.
334 p
Bibliotheca actorum humanitaricorum Universitatis Saulensis; 17
Bibliografija ir pavardžių rodyklė.
Pratarmė — Įvadas: Žemaičių vardas; Žemaičių kultūrinis judėjimas; Žemaičių kultūros draugija; Žemaičių tapatumas; Transkripcija — Žemaičių kalba: Žemaičių kalba ar žemaičių tarmė?; Garsų ypatybės; Prozodijos ypatybės; Morfologijos ypatybės; Sintaksės bruožai; Leksikos ypatybės; Žemaičių kalbos tekstai — Žemaičių rašyba: Trumpa žemaitiško rašto istorija; Žemaičių abėcėlė; Balsiai; Priebalsiai; Dvibalsiai, dvigarsiai; Kai kurie morfologijos, sintaksės, leksikos dalykai; Žemaičių rašybos pavyzdžiai — Literatūra — Pavardžių rodyklė — The Samogitian Language and Writing (Summary).
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje sistemingai ir nuosekliai aprašomas svarbiausias ir išskirtiniausias žemaičių tradicinės kultūros elementas - žemaičių kalba. Su gausiais pavyzdžiais išryškinamos, apibūdinamos esminės žemaičių kalbos garsų tarimo, kirčiavimo, priegaidžių, morfologijos, sintaksės ir leksikos ypatybės. Dėstomi svarbiausi žemaičių rašybos dalykai, patariama, kaip gyvą žemaitišką žodį išguldyti rašte. Kaip žemaičių kalbos savitumo, sodrumo, gyvybingumo įrodymas pateikiami autentiški žemaičių kalbos tekstai iš įvairių Žemaitijos vietų. Duodama iškilesnių žemaitiškai rašiusių ar rašančių autorių prozos ir poezijos pavyzdžių. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žemaičių kalba; Žemaičiai; Patarmės; Žemaičių abėcėlė; Gramatika; Kirčiavimas; Morfologija; Sintaksė; Leksika; Tarminė literatūra; Samogitian language; Samogitian dialect; Samogitian alphabet; Grammar; Accentuation; Morphology; Syntax; Lexicon; Dialect literature.

ENSince old times, the territory in the west of Lithuania, inhabited by the Samogitians, in everyday language has been referred to in the plural form - Žemaičiai (Samogitians). The origin of the name Žemaitija (Samogitia) is much newer, it started to be used only after the lifting of the Lithuanian press ban. The majority of researchers (e.g., K. Būga, A. Salys) tend to think that the name of the Samogitians (žemaičiai) is derived from the adjective žemas (low) and etymologically means "the dwellers of lowlands". However, recently there appeared quite a few followers of V. Grinaveckis, who claims that the name derives not from the adjective žemas, but from the noun žemė (the land). Then the Samogitians (žemaičiai) would be understood simply as "people of this land". The name žemaičiai was first mentioned in historical annals at the beginning of the 13th c., in 1219, in Volhynian Chronicle, which records the events of 1215 and mentions two Samogi- tian dukes - Erdvilas and Vykintas. At all times the Samogitians were actively engaged in cultural and educational activities not only individually but also in groups, by joining various societies, assemblies and movements. For instance, at the end of the 16th c., a group of enlightened Samogitians united around the Samogitian archbishop Merkelis Giedraitis, who was an influential figure in the society of that time. For a long time (between the 17th and 19th c.) Kražiai College, founded in 1614, was an important cultural focus in Samogitia. A major cultural movement developed in the middle of the 19th c. in Varniai (led by M. Valančius, S. Daukantas and others). A new impetus for the cultural activities of Samogitians was given by the declaration of independence of Lithuania. Samogitian students were especially active nurturers of the traditions of their land; they created and joined various societies and corporations. [...].The beginning of the national revival movement in Lithuania also enlivened a lot of Samogitians, interested in their roots, history of the land and its cultural heritage, worried about the Samogitian language, traditions, customs and preservation of Samogitian ethnicity in general. On 27th November 1988, in Telšiai Alka Museum a constitutive conference founded the Samogitian Cultural Association. Right from the beginning of its existence, the Association paid a lot of attention to the issues of the Samogitian language and writing. At a meeting held on the 20-21st April 1991 in Palanga, attended by Samogitians concerned with the revival of Samogitian writing, a linguist from Šiauliai J. Pabrėža made suggestions approved the Samogitian Coat of Arms and the Samogitian Flag. At various times after the Restoration of Independence (the end of the 20th c. - the beginning of the 21st c.), between 24 and 28 sections of the Samogitian Cultural Association have been functioning in Lithuania. All the time since its foundation the Association has been chaired by S. Kasperavičius. Other Samogitian public organisations have been often working together or in parallel with the Samogitian Cultural Association: in 1994, the Samogitian Academy was founded; in 1996, Samogitia Corporation of Academic Youth "Samogitia" was registered. The Samogitians have a great number of things emphasising and preserving their Samogitian identity. Even today, they are seen and understood as different by the Lithuanians. Community, national identity and historical issues are of great importance for the understanding of their identity. Since the 11th-12th centuries and throughout the whole period of the Great Dutchy of Lithuania, Samogitia had a distinctive political, administrative and territorial autonomy. Most Samogitians, being born and raised in Samogitia, feel Samogitian in terms of their identity. [From the publication]

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