Vilnius tarpukario lietuvių poezijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilnius tarpukario lietuvių poezijoje
Alternative Title:
Vilnius in the Lithuanian poetry of the interwar period
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTXX a. pradžioje Vilnius lietuviams tapo politinės, visuomeninės, kultūrinės veiklos centru- ne tik istorine, bet ir realia sostine. Todėl Vilniaus atplėšimas 1920-ųjų spalį buvo didelis ir skaudus praradimas. Vilniaus atgavimo leitmotyvas nepriklausomos Lietuvos poetų kūryboje tapo vienu svarbiausių. Straipsnyje pristatomas įtaigus Petro Vaičiūno žodis, temų ir meninės raiškos aspektu analizuojama antologija Mūsų Vilniaus poezija (1932), aptariamas Vilniaus įvaizdis 4 dešimtmečio poezijoje. Vilniškių kūrybos kontekste išskiriamas Onos Miciūtės „Gimtajam miestui“ - vienas nuoširdžiausių laikotarpio eilėraščių Vilniaus tema. Akcentuojama, kad tarpukariu kurta Vilniaus poezija byloja apie tautos nesitaikstymą su istorine neteisybe, stiprią jungtį su savo ištakomis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė sostinė; Nepriklausoma Lietuva; Poezija; Vilnius; Historic capital; Historical capital; Independent Lithuania; Poetry; Vilnius.

ENCreated over many centuries, the text of Vilnius varies in its genres and language, stylistic features, its intent and its points of view. The nineteenthcentury Lithuanian romanticists were longing for Vilnius as the lost capital, a symbol of independence, and the centre of the nation’s vitality. One of the strongest manifestations of this nostalgia is Maironis’ poem "Vilnius. Prieš aušrą" (Vilnius. Before dawn), written in 1892 and permeated with a longing for the past and with hopeful faith in the future. Public and cultural activities of Lithuanians were gaining momentum in Vilnius in the early twentieth century. For them, Vilnius became the heart of national revival, the centre of public and cultural activity, and not only the historical but also the real capital. This explains why the seizure of Vilnius by Poland in 1920 was experienced as an immense and painful loss. The recovery of Vilnius became a key motif for the poets of independent Lithuania. After Maironis, it was Petras Vaičiūnas who spoke in highly persuasive words in his famous poem "Mes be Vilniaus nenurimsim" (We won’t relent without Vilnius), which he wrote in 1922. The poet voiced the nation’s fundamental striving, and his words turned into a slogan that rallied the nation for almost twenty years. The poetry of the liberation of Vilnius was copious. The theme recurs in the poetry of Liudas Gira, Kazys Inčiūra, Bernardas Brazdžionis, Faustas Kirša, Antanas Miškinis, and others. The 1932 anthology Mūsų Vilniaus poezija (The Poetry of our Vilnius) comprises works by forty-six authors. The anthology introduced poetic works by the Lithuanian poets of the 1920s, which was abundant in number, diverse in poetic expression, and unified in the intent of writing.Although less poetry was written about Vilnius in the 1930s, it was deeper and more mature. The theme of Vilnius was no longer central; instead, it was woven into a broader context of historical events (poetry by Jonas Aistis, Antanas Miškinis, Klemensas Dulkė, Balys Sruoga, and Bernardas Brazdžionis). Regarding the poetry of Vilnius of the interwar period, mention should be made of Ona Miciūtė’s poem "Gimtajam miestui" (To the native city) - one of the most sincere and artistically suggestive poems about Vilnius of that period. Varied in artistic expression, sincere and authentic, the poetry of Vilnius written during the interwar period spoke of the nation’s refusal to put up with historical injustice and of a strong connection with its roots. [From the publication]

2021-02-02 19:03:58
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