Метрыка Вялiкага Княства Лiтоўскага. Кн. 28, 1522-1552; Кніга запісаў 28 (копія канца XVI ст.)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
  • Baltarusių kalba / Belarusian
  • Rusų kalba / Russian
  • Anglų kalba / English
  • Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Метрыка Вялiкага Княства Лiтоўскага. Кн. 28, 1522-1552; Кніга запісаў 28 (копія канца XVI ст.)
Мянжынскі, Валеры, parengė [edt]
Publication Data:
Мiнск : Athenæum, 2000.
310 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir rodyklės.
  • Recenzija leidinyje Беларускі гістарычны агляд. 2000, т. 7, сш. 2, p. 509-524
  • Recenzija leidinyje Беларускі гістарычны агляд. 2000, т. 7, сш. 1, p. 191-199
Summary / Abstract:

LTSkelbiama LDK Metrikos knyga № 28 apima laikotarpį nuo 1522 iki 1552 m. ir turi 161 dokumentą. Iš jų po vieną dokumentą priklauso 1522, 1530, 1533, 1536, 1539, 1550 m., 8 dokumentai - 1540 m., 63 - 1541, 35 - 1542, 38 - 1551, 9 - 1552, trys dokumentai įtraukti į kitus. Knyga № 28 - tai yra kopija, pagaminta XVI a. pabaigoje, apie ką liudija titulinis puslapis XVIII, kur nurodama, kad knyga yra perrašyta 1597 m. [Iš Įvado]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Metrika; Lietuvos didieji kunigaikščiai; Žemėvalda; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Kanceliarija; Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės raštinės archyvas; Lithuanian Metrica; Chancellor.

ENThis book No. 28 of the Metryka of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) covers a period from 1522 to 1552 and contains 161 documents. Among them, 6 documents date back to 1522, 1530, 1533, 1536, 1539 and 1550 correspondingly. 8 documents date from 1540, 63 - from 1541, 35 -1542, 38 - 1551 and 9 - 1552. Three documents from 1541, 1547 and 1549 are printed in full among others. In all the documents, the date of 51 was indicated by the author. The manuscript of book No. 28 is kept with the Russian State Archives of Early Acts (F. 389, ą28). Book No. 28 is a copy made at the close of the 16th century, for title page XVIII points out that the book was rewritten and registered in 1597. The title page, Cyrillic register, titles and the text of the documents were made in one and the same handwriting belonging to Adam Paškievič. The handwriting was identified with the help of other Metryka books 1. Since the book was written over a long period, the same author's handwriting varies in some parts, namely if different, lighter or darker, inks were used. Book No. 28 is arranged in a chronological order and divided into two independent sections as per the periods of rule of GDL Dukes. Apparently, the two original books were combined into one copy, for the first 108 documents dating from 1522-1542 were endorsed and titled by Žyhimont the Old. On p. 87 rev., there is a mark put by the GDL instigator Mikalaj Puzeleuski - "Koniec Instigator". Yet p. 88 starts already with events which took place during the rule of Žyhimont August - documents No. 109-156 largely date back to 1551-1552. [Extract, p. 19]

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