Penki okupacijos dešimtmečiai šimtametėje Lietuvos teisės raidos panoramoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Penki okupacijos dešimtmečiai šimtametėje Lietuvos teisės raidos panoramoje
Alternative Title:
Five decades of occupation in the light of centennial Lithuanian law development
In the Journal:
Teisė. 2019, t. 111, p. 8-22
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje mėginama apibendrinti sovietmečio Lietuvos teisės mokslo raidos praradimų (ir pasiekimų) rezultatus ir pasvarstyti apie išliekamąją šių rezultatų reikšmę. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Teisės istorijos mokslas; Akademinė laisvė; Socialistinė teisė; Sovietų teisė; Law history science; Academical freedom; Socialistic law; Soviet law.

ENDuring the time when Lithuania was incorporated into Soviet Union there was no opening for objective development of law history science. At the time when academical freedom was abolished, open scientific discussion possibility was dissolved and the system of restricted areas in social sciences was created, the main obstacle of this development arose which was the total claims of the state monopoly of mindset. The additional opportunities for reaching the goals of idiological nature were created by presenting law and state history in complex. The history of law was effected by explicit demand for „party membership“ as were all the other sciences and it led to estimating all public and legal occurences and processes from perspective of revolutional working class that was considered to be the most consistent with the comunist party with its marxistic theory in the front lines. From the class party positions people representing law science were directed to unconditionally argue in favour of high standards of Soviet law, Soviet state and Soviet Lithuanian statehood as well as its sovereignty, democracy and other superficial advantages.It took great effort and time to assimilate and adjust to the new ideology and methodology of the Soviet legislation, at least to the extent that it allowed to see it as an object of scientific research study. Under these circumstances many of the scientific community preferred to research historical aspects of law as a specialised area which allowed better prospects of achieving at least some measure of outcome from scientific research. The superiority of historical data over the challenges of the Soviet law that had not been fully mastered yet resulted in increased attention to the history of law. The scientific undertakings in the area of the Soviet law was a waste of energy and potential in the eyes of researchers, especially since socialistic law was considered as doomed with no future prospects. However, this was not meant to completely discard the importance of such research. It produced a volume of historical and factual data, whereas the researchers involved acquired skills and experience which contributed to their future scientific undertakings. [From the publication]

1392-1274; 2424-6050
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