Antanas Olis: „Aš neturėjau laimės pamatyti Lietuvos“

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Antanas Olis: „Aš neturėjau laimės pamatyti Lietuvos“
Alternative Title:
Antanas Olis: “I was not lucky enough to see Lithuania”
In the Journal:
Istorija [History]. 2018, Nr. 109, p. 77-99
20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas JAV lietuvių visuomenininkas, politikos veikėjas, advokatas Antanas Olis (1898–1958), analizuojami svarbiausi jo gyvenimo ir veiklos momentai, įtaka išeivijos politiniame, visuomeniniame, kultūriniame gyvenime. Nagrinėjama A. Olio veikla, sovietams okupavus Lietuvą, kuomet jis aktyviai įsitraukė į politinę veiklą – organizavo ir dalyvavo įvairiose politinėse akcijose, amerikiečių visuomenėje kėlė Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo klausimą. Ryšiai su amerikiečiais, darbas tautinėje Respublikonų partijos grupėje turėjo įtakos tam, kad A. Olio veikla tapo ypač reikšminga Vakaruose pristatant Lietuvos laisvės bylą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antanas Olis; JAV; Čikaga; Lietuvių diaspora; Tautininkai; Respublikonai; Politinė veikla; „Margutis“; Muzika; Antanas Olis; USA; Chicago; Lithuanian diaspora; Nationalists (tautininkai); Republicans; Political activities; 'Margutis' journal; Music.

ENThe article is dedicated to Antanas Olis (1898–1958), a Lithuanian American public and political figure, lawyer. It analyses the key moments of his life and activities, his influence in the political, public and cultural life of the émigré community. Antanas Olis, who was the son of the prominent Lithuanian American businessman and public figure, the publisher and editor of the newspaper “Lietuva” Antanas Olšauskas, stood out as a highly ambitious and talented man. He was a lawyer, statesman, administrator, organiser of political and cultural events, talented musician and conductor. Antanas Olis, one of the leaders and ideologists of Lithuanian American Nationalists, a founder of the United Lithuanian Relief Fund of America (BALF) and vice president of the Lithuanian American Council (LAC), is still often mentioned as one of the Lithuanian American pioneers who made remarkable achievements and left his mark in the area of both Lithuanian and American politics. He was a member of the Republican Party, president and trustee of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, one of the major political bodies in Chicago. After Lithuania’s occupation by the Soviets, Olis actively joined political activities and made a remarkable contribution in organising and participating in various political campaigns which sought to draw the attention of Americans to the issue of Lithuania. Through his ties with Americans and his work in the national Republican Party group, Olis won his way to the broader horizons of the US politics, made frequent visits to Washington, cooperated with the US politicians, congressmen and senators in order to achieve the active approval of the US politicians and their support for the restoration of Lithuania’s independence. [From the publication]

1392-0456; 2029-7181
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