The Problems of preservation of periphery lexis : the case of the "Dictionary of Joniškis subdialects"

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
The Problems of preservation of periphery lexis: the case of the "Dictionary of Joniškis subdialects"
In the Journal:
Comparative studies. 2009, vol. 2 (1), p. 215-227. Latgale as a culture borderzone
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kalbinė tapatybė; Leksikos pasirinkimas; Lokalizacija; Periferinė kalbinė išraiška; Periferinė kalbos raiška; Tarmės žodynas; Dictionary of a dialect; Linguistic identity; Lithuanian; Localisation; Peripheral linguistic expression; Selection of lexis.

ENRecent attempts of speeding up the publication of the material on dialects testify to the great amount of the accumulated material on dialects and strivings to preserve it by various publications: dictionaries, text books, manuals including tasks, monographs, etc. This process involves both individual dialectologists and research and higher education institutions. This work is promoted on the state level by linguistic programmes; one of these is entitled "The Programme of Preservation of Dialects and Ethnical Place-names in 2001/2010". In order to promote and develop this kind of research at Šiauliai University, the scientific Dialectology Centre was established in 1996; it aims at accumulation of lexis of Joniökis subdialects called Peripheral Western Aukštaiciai Šiauliai subdialect as well as preparation of the "Dictionary of Joniškis Subdialects". The aim of the present article is to reveal one stage of the preparation of the dialect dictionary - selection of written sources of lexis and the point of view on folklore collections compiled by Matas Slančiauskas (21 February, 1850 ñ 11 March, 1924; he has recorded over 4,500 folklore units), a collector of folklore from Joniškis, as well as different attitudes of Lithuanian linguists towards (ex-)inclusion of lexis from this source in the dictionary. Traditionally, while compiling dictionaries of dialects or subdialects, a certain hierarchy of lexis presentation is being followed: first, the entry of a word is illustrated by the material from the existing lexis of dialects and subdialects, afterwards, examples from various other sources are presented including the "Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language" (20 volumes), other dictionaries of dialects, collections of folklore, fiction and even publicistics.The material for this article was selected from M. Slančiauskas' folklore examples which were prepared for publication in the "Dictionary of Joniškis Subdialects". After the opinions of linguists regarding this source of lexis have differed, it may happen that the material from this source will not be included into the dictionary under preparation. The authors of the present article express their opinion on the importance of including the dialect lexis recorded more than a hundred years ago by Slančiauskas in the "Dictionary of Joniškis Subdialects". This includes also periphery - Latvian - lexis which has not been previously recorded. [From the publication]

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