Keletas naujų duomenų apie Karaliaučiaus universiteto Lietuvių kalbos seminarą 1723 metais

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Keletas naujų duomenų apie Karaliaučiaus universiteto Lietuvių kalbos seminarą 1723 metais
Alternative Title:
Some new data on the Lithuanian language seminar at the University of Königsberg in 1723
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra. 2018, 46, p. 57-104. Pietizmo idėjos ir surinkimininkų raštija Prūsijos Lietuvoje
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas ir publikuojamas Lenkijoje, Olštyno valstybiniame archyve, saugomas dokumentas, pateikiantis naujų faktų apie Karaliaučiaus universiteto Lietuvių kalbos seminaro veiklą XVIII a. 3-iojo dešimtmečio pradžioje. Tai 1723 m. lapkričio 4 d. Teologijos fakulteto studentų vardu Petro Gotlybo Milkaus (Peter Gottlieb Mielcke, 1695–1753) rašytas prašymas Prūsijos karaliui Frydrichui Vilhelmui I dėl lengvatų jiems, kaip seminaro lankytojams. Šis archyvinis dokumentas reikšmingas tuo, kad atskleidžia dešimties 1723 m. žiemos semestro seminaro lankytojų pavardes, be to, liudija, kad jo veikla iš tiesų buvo nutrūkusi, o 1723 m. atkurta, taip pat netiesiogiai byloja, kad Milkus jau 1723-iaisiais buvo seminaro docentas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: 18 amžius; Prūsijos Lietuva; Karaliaučiaus universiteto Lietuvių kalbos seminaras; Petras Gotlybas Milkus; Adomas Henrikas Pilgrimas; Martynas Šimelpenigis; 18th century; Lithuanian language seminar at the University of Königsberg; Lithuania Minor.

ENThe article contains an analysis and publication of a document kept at the Olsztyn State Archive (Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie, call number: Universität, 1646/452) that reveals new facts about the activities of the Lithuanian Language Seminar at the University of Königsberg in the early 1720s. It is an appeal written on 4 November 1723 in the name of ten students of the Theological Faculty regarding privileges to them as seminar participants and addressed to Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia (1688–1740, ruled from 1713 to 1740). This archival document is important to the history of the seminar primarily because it points to the fact that the activities of the seminar were really interrupted. That the seminar in this appeal is referred to as ‘neu-etablirte[s] Seminari[um] Lithvanic[um]’, that is, newly or recently established Lithuanian Language Seminar, shows that from its establishment until 1723 its activities were suspended and reopened again in 1723, when Johann Jacob Quandt (1686–1772), the senior court preacher, a consistory adviser, and a theology professor, was appointed the head of the seminar. At least ten theology students attended the re-established Lithuanian Language Seminar in the winter term of 1723, and their names in the appeal are a proof of that: (1) Georg Ernst Klemm (1701–1774), (2) Adam Heinrich Pilgrim (1702–1757), (3) Gottfried Schumacher (1704–1786), (4) Martin Schimmelpfennig (1706–1778), (5) Ernst Gottfried Schimmelpfennig (1704–1768), (6) Heinrich Grabau (~1705/1707–after 1723), (7) Jacob Friedrich Naugardt (1694–1751), (8) Friedrich Wolf Naunyn (Naunien, ~1705/1707–after 1723), (9) Hiob Naunyn (Naunien, ~1705/1707–after 1723), and (10) Ambrosius [Christian] Abrahamowski / Abrammowski (~1704/1706–after 1723). The participation of seven theology students in the seminar is documented for the first time.The age of the participants who signed the appeal was from seventeen to twenty-nine years (the mean age being twenty-three years). Very likely, the youngest participant was Martin Schimmelpfennig and the oldest Jacob Friedrich Naugardt. Five of the undersigned had recently entered the university – they matriculated from June to October 1723. Half of the students who signed the appeal were from the district of Tilžė (Tilsit) – from the city of Tilžė, Piktupėnai (Piktupönen), Pilupėnai (Pillupönen), and Rautenburkis (Rautenburg). At least four of them, that is, the pairs of the Schimmelpfennig and the Naunien brothers, came from clerical families. Two seminar participants, Adam Heinrich Pilgrim and Martin Schimmelpfennig, were involved in activities related to the Lithuanian language. Presumably, the teaching process at the Lithuanian Language Seminar started in as late as the winter term of 1723. The fact that the appeal of 4 November was written not by the theology students who signed it but by Peter Gottlieb Mielcke (1695–1753) was due not to his more senior age but to his status in the seminar. Thus, the appeal of 4 November indirectly suggests and the appeal of 8 November proves that Mielcke was already teaching at the Lithuanian Language Seminar in 1723 and therefore he should be considered the first docent of the re-established seminar. [From the publication]

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