Пьетро Паоло Верджерио - первый издатель реформационных полемических сочинений в Литве (1556)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Rusų kalba / Russian
Пьетро Паоло Верджерио - первый издатель реформационных полемических сочинений в Литве (1556)
Alternative Title:
Pietro Paolo Vergerio - the first publisher of reformatory polemical works in Lithuania (1556)
In the Journal:
Религия. Церковь. Общество [Religion. Church. Society]. 2017, 6, p. 232-259
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Pietro Paolo Vergerio; Reformacija; Kionigsbergas (Kaliningradas); Pietro Paolo Vergerio; Mikalojus Radvila Juodasis, 1515-1565 (Nicholas Radziwill the Black); Luigi Lippomano; Reformation; Konigsberg; Luigi Lippomano; Radvila the Black.

ENThe famous Italian reformer Pietro Paolo Vergerio (1498-1565) during his two trips to Lithuania, Poland and Prussia‘s Koenigsberg published a number of works important for the early period of the Reformation in this region, among which «Duae epistolae» (1556) occupies a special place. The publication contents the correspondence of the nuncio of Pope Luigi Lippomano with the ancestor of the Lithuanian Reformation Radziwill the Black (1515-1565), who here for the first time announced his conversion to the Protestant faith. Soon the translations of the two above-mentioned letters into German (1557) and Polish (1559) were published. The article analyzes the connections between Vergerio and Radziwill in a historical context, examines the content of the book and the main ideas of its main text, the answer of Radziwill to Lippomano. [From the publication]

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