Lietuvių senojo tikėjimo idėjų raida po valstybės krikšto

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių senojo tikėjimo idėjų raida po valstybės krikšto
Alternative Title:
Developmentof the ideas of the old Lithuanian faith after christianizing of the state
In the Book:
Iš Lietuvos sociologijos istorijos. Kn. 3 / sudarytoja ir atsakingoji redaktorė Anelė Vosyliūtė. Vilnius: Lietuvos filosofijos ir sociologijos institutas, 2000. P. 25-41
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe article reveals the dynamic of the ancient (pagan) Lithuanian faith after the officia! christianizing of the State and the change of attitudes towards the faith. The author declares that the official act didn't mean the annihilation of the pagan faith. It had different forms of surviving in the different sočiai strata, completely different in the Iife of peasants or noble intelligence. The peasant pagan faith was surviving till the end of 18 century. The 19 century means the beginning of fast sočiai and national changes which have influenced the changes of religious orientations too. The Christians attitudes and traditions came to force step by step. The rebirth of Lithuanian national consciousness has played the positive role in maintaining propaganda attitudes, as an ideal time of Lithuanian statė. The Lithuanianism has been understood as paganism. The article shows the examples of attitudes towards paganism among famous political, cultural workers from the times of "Aušra" till the reestablishing of the statė. The efforts of restoring the ancient faith ("visuomybė", for example) revealed in the period of independent Lithuania, The communist occupation has destructive influence towards different sočiai and religious movements. But nevertheless there were several attempts and examples of conscious pagan activities. The Romuva (old Baltic faith community) renevved its activity and had official recognition in 1992 in independent Lithuania. [From the publication]

Related Publications:
Participation of contemporary pagans in heritage politics of Lithuania / Eglė Aleknaitė. Pomegranate. 2018. vol. 20, no. 1, p. 92-114.
2022-02-26 10:30:16
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