LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Feministinis postmodernizmas; Feministinė metodologija; Feminizmas; Kiekybiniai tyrimai; Kiekybinis tyrimas; Kokybiniai tyrimai; Kokybinis tyrimas; Lytiškumas; Pozityvizmas; Socialiniai mokslai; Feminism; Feminist methodology; Feminist postmodernism; Positivism; Qualitative research; Quantitative research; Sexuality; Social Sciences.
ENFeminist critiques of traditional methodology in the social sciences are presented in this article. On the level of philosophy of science these critiques could be presented as feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint theories and feminist postmodernism. In the practical realm of social research the critiques of traditional social science could be introduced as a debate about using quantitative versus qualitative methods. This debate has concerned the claim that qualitative research is often more consistent with feminist values and quantitative research techniques distort women’s experience and result in a silencing of women’s own voices. Some pragmatic strategies of implementations of a feminist perspective in social research, such as combining of qualitative and quantitative methods, using of multiplicity of methods are described in this article. [From the publication]