LTMonografijoje nagrinėjami aktualūs teoriniai aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių kūrimo ir įgyvendinimo klausimai. Leidinyje pristatomi aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos vertinimo metodologiniai klausimai, atskleidžiama Lietuvoje taikomų šios politikos priemonių specifika. Remiantis teorine ir autorių atliktų specialių tyrimų rezultatų analize, vertinamas šių priemonių efektyvumas. Monografija yra tarpdisciplininio pobūdžio, autorių atliktus tyrimus galima priskirti ekonomikos, sociologijos ir vadybos krypčiai. Leidinyje pateikta aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos analizė ir vertinimai yra aktualūs ne tik akademiniame kontekste, bet reikšmingi ir socialinės bei darbo rinkos politikos kūrėjams ir įgyvendintojams. Monografijoje pateikti duomenys, teorinės ir praktinės įžvalgos gali būti naudingos vadovams ir specialistams, formuojantiems ir įgyvendinantiems socialinę ir užimtumo politiką, bei padėti jiems priimti pagrįstus sprendimus dėl tinkamų aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių efektyvumo vertinimo kriterijų, formulavimo principų, metodų ir procedūrų pasirinkimo. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Monografiją įtraukti į duomenų bazę „Lituanistika“. Monografiją sudaro 3 dalys. Apibūdinama darbo rinkos politikos samprata, raida ir funkcijos. Aprašomos darbo rinkos politikos priemonės jų klasifikavimas, akcentuojant pasyvios darbo rinkos ir aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemones. Analizuojama aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių raida, skirtingų aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių poveikis makroekonominiams procesams, įvairioms bedarbių grupėms, priemonių vaidmuo įgyvendinant socialinius tikslus ir mažinant nedarbo pasekmes. Aprašoma Lietuvoje įgyvendinamų aktyvios darbo rinkos priemonių vertinimo metodologija ir pagrindiniai ADRP vertinimo principai, metodai, kriterijai ir rodiklių sistema. Pateikiami aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonių empirinio tyrimo rezultatai ir profesinio mokymo priemonės vertinimo rezultatai; Labor market; Labor market policy; Labor market policy measures; Passive labor market; Active labor market; Methodology; Methods, criteria; Indicators; Vocational training.
ENThe active involvement of the out of work population into the labor market is one of the key priorities of modern developed countries. While implementing the objectives of the European employment strategy, the EU member-countries apply active labor market policies (ALMP) that are important tool in the process of shaping competitive knowledge-based economies and ensuring the development of societies. The monograph deals with the theoretical issues of forming and implementing an active labor market policy. The content of the book consists of three main parts: “The Labour Market Policies: Concept, Development and Functions”, “The Methodological Issues and Principles of Evaluating Active Labour Market Policies’“, “The Effectiveness of Active Labour Market Policies: Empirical Assessment”. The monograph discusses a concept of the labor market policy and the interface between employment policy and social policy that emerged as a response to the twentieth-century economic and social challenges of the European Union. When analyzing the theoretical basis of active labor market policies, the authors seek to reveal the deliberative aspects of implementing ALMPs. The book discusses the methodological issues of interpreting active labor market policies, the main techniques and methods for assessing LMPs as well as the elements of assessing the side-effects of ALMP measures. The concept of realistic evaluation had an influence on the set of the factors analyzed in the book. Realistic evaluation enabled to create a theoretical model for assessing ALMP measures.The model presents the factors of a social and economic impact on micro- and macro-levels. The book has also revealed specific features of Lithuanian active labor market policy. A broad set of active- labor market policy evaluation performed by the authors is also presented which provides a deeper insight into the effects of ALMP measures on the providers and beneficiaries of the active labor market policy in the country. On the basis of the theoretical analysis and results of special research carried out by the authors, the effectiveness of the national active labor market policy was evaluated. The nature of the monograph is interdisciplinary and the studies implemented by the author can be attributed to the areas covering economics, sociology and management sciences. The analysis of ALMP provided in the monograph is relevant in the context of academic discourse; it is also significant for social and labor market policy-makers and implemented. The monograph allows to get acquainted with the variety of the instruments of the active labor market policy and to look at the most recent Lithuanian and foreign research and their results. The presented material along with theoretical and practical insights enable the specialists of a social and employment policy to make informed decisions on the assessment criteria of the effectiveness of ALMP measures as well as on the formulation of evaluation principles and the selection of performance indicators, methods and procedures. [From the publication]