Leipalingio apylinkių tekstai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Leipalingio apylinkių tekstai
Alternative Title:
Texts of Leipalingis environs
Leskauskaitė, Asta, sudarymas, įvadas, komentarai [com, aui, cwt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2018.
230 p. + + 1 garso diskas
Tarmių tekstynas
Summary / Abstract:

ENApplying a descriptive research method, the future linguist, translator, journalist and editor Bronys Savukynas (1930-2008) described his native dialect of Leipalingis in his coursework for the first time in 1955. In 1954 and 1964, this researcher, and in 1976, Juozas Kvaraciejus, together with the students of Lithuanian philology of the the Vilnius State Pedagogical Institute, collected dialectological material from the villages of Leipalingis and Jovaišiai and prepared several manuscript notebooks containing descriptions of the features of the subdialect and transcribed texts currently held in the Archive of Dialects of the Research Centre of Geolinguistics at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language. The majority of the people surveyed at that time were born at the end of the 19th century. In her book Kaimas prie Avirio [A Village by Aviris Lake] (2002), Ona Alesiūtė- Bleizgienė discussed briefly the subdialect of the people of the village of Veršiai. There, she presented comprehensive lists of names, surnames and nicknames of the people, names of animals and toponyms with commentaries, a more interesting vocabulary, barbarisms, phraseological units, swear-words. Shorts texts of Leipalingis subdialect have been published in the chrestomathy Lietuvių kalbos tarmės [Dialects of the Lithuanian Language] (1970), in Aukštaičių tarmių tekstai 1 [Texts of Aukštaitian Dialects] (1999) by Žaneta Markevičienė and the monograph Pietų aukštaičių vokalizmo ir prozodijos bruožai [Features of Vocalism and Prosody of Southern Aukštaitians] (2004) by Asta Leskauskaitė. Some data about the features of this subdialect can be found in different research works on Lithuanian dialectology. Leipalingis subdialect is presented most exhaustively in this collection of texts, which reflects the situation of the last decade of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. [...].

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