Liongino Baliukevičiaus - partizano Dzūko dienoraštis : 1948 m. birželio 23 d. - 1949 m. birželio 6 d.

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Liongino Baliukevičiaus - partizano Dzūko dienoraštis: 1948 m. birželio 23 d. - 1949 m. birželio 6 d
Alternative Title:
Diary of participant of the resistance movement Dzūkas
Kašėta, Algis, parengė, įžanga [edt, aui]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras, 2002.
185 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTPublikuojamas žuvusio Dainavos apygardos partizano Liongino Baliukevičiaus-Dzūko dienoraštis pusę amžiaus išgulėjo buvusiame KGB archyve Vilniuje. Dienoraštyje iškyla tragiška idealisto asmenybė, drįstanti tiesiai pažvelgti į pasaulį ir save. Autoriaus pasaulėžiūra, troškimai ir siekiai atsiskleidžia negailestingos partizanų kovos fone. Iš kasdienybės konteksto išsirutulioja ir nuodugnesni apibendrinimai esminiais tautos ir valstybės išlikimo klausimais. L. Baliukevičiaus-Dzūko dienoraštyje atsispindi ir aktualiausios Dainavos apygardos partizanų problemos bei kasdieniai rūpesčiai.Reikšminiai žodžiai: 20 amžius; Okupacija; Partizanai; Istoriniai šaltiniai; The Lithuanian XX c. history; Occupation; Partisans; Historical sources.

ENThe summer of 1944 saw the outset of the second Soviet occupation. Thousands of Lithuanian patriots joined up the resistance movement for the restoration of the statehood of Lithuania. The attempts of the Lithuanian nation, without any outside support, to resist the brutal Soviet occupation extended over an entire decade. In the course of this movement, ca 20 thousand participants perished or were tortured to death, more than 120 thousand were arrested or imprisoned in concentration camps, the same number deported to Siberia. The resistance movement developed numerous prominent personalities who made their mark in the history of postwar Lithuania. One of them was resistants’ commander Lionginas Baliukevičius alias Dzūkas. The diary of L. Baliukevičius-Dzūkas, killed while participating in the resistance movement, that is published here, has been stored in the former KGB archive in Vilnius for almost half a century. The diary reveals an idealistic personality of tragic destiny who was courageous enough to look into the world and oneself. The mirror of the soul reflects the author’s most secret thoughts, doubts and hopes. The author’s outlook, desires and aspirations are framed against the background of die resistance fights. L. Baliukevičius’ diary contains frequent flashbacks: memories of the light childhood, feelings experienced in the prisoners’ camps, events of the first years of the resistance. The description of the daily routines leads to far-reaching generalisations regarding issues crucial to the survival of a nation and a state. Ardent patriotism and hatred to the occupants do not get in the way of a disapproving assessment of the pre-war Lithuania and the short-sightedness of its politicians, internal political quarrels, pseudo-patriotism and the cowardly stance of power men at a moment critical to the state.Alongside the painful and accurate identification of the causes of the 1940 catastrophe in Lithuania, L. Baliukevičius’s diaiy analyses the severest ethnic and moral problems of the post-war period, as well. L. Baliukevičius, underscoring the value of duty and responsibility, favours an uncompromising fight. He feels disillusioned by the indifference and passiveness of some members of the intelligentsia, as he is convinced that creative work and family are far from the highest ideals. He gives the example of the rural community, which was the greatest power in the resistance. The reader of the diary may be surprised by the sober understanding of the international and domestic situation. Following the international developments by radio waves, he, like the entire country involved in the resistance lights, waits for the Western democracies to give some signs of hope: at least moral or political support, or even military actions. Anguished by the indifference of the global powers to the suffering of the crucified nation and sensing the approach of his death, L. Baliukevičius is determined to fight up to his last breath. Determination and heroism are intertwined with dreams to reach a peaceful and free life, to start a family. In his diary, L. Baliukevičius expresses his endless love to his native land and sympathy to rural people living in poverty. While contemplating on the vision of an independent state, he, as a person craving justice, favours a state oriented towards social welfare.In the moments of deep contemplation, the author feels a far-sighted fear about the future of Lithuania under the conditions of occupation. Dzūkas’s existential thoughts combining motives of eternity and doomed future are expressed next to the daily problems and concerns of resistance participants in Dainava district. The author is pleased by the achievements of the resistance movement in consolidating the organisation and is deeply disturbed by the defeats: the fate of his brothers-in-arms, deportation of the population, etc. We are convinced that the ideas expressed in this diary by a free person, brave enough to die for his ideals, will not lose their value in future, they will encourage and sustain the idealistic mind-set of young people, and contribute to deeper understanding of freedom fights and the spirit of that time. [From the publication]

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