Lietuvos mokyklos sovietizacija ir priešinimasis jai 1940-1964 metais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos mokyklos sovietizacija ir priešinimasis jai 1940-1964 metais
Alternative Title:
Sovietization of Lithuanian schools and resistance to it, 1940-1964
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 2002.
302 p
Bibliografija išnašose.
Įvadas — Lietuvos mokyklos sovietizacijos pradžia (1940-1941) — Pirmieji pertvarkymai — Moksleivių mokymo ideologizavimas. Neigiamo požiūrio į tautos praeitį diegimas — Mokytojų administravimas ir represijos — Priešinimasis sovietizacijai — Mokyklų tinklo pertvarkymas 1940-1941 mokslo metais — Lietuvos mokyklos resovietizacija (1944-1952) — Komunistinės ideologijos nuostatų mokyklos darbe diegimas — Mokytojų administravimas, sovietinio mentaliteto ugdymas — Priešinimosi sovietizacijai formos — Mokyklų materialinė bazė, moksleivių visuotinio privalomo pradinio ir septynmečio mokymo įvedimas — Mokytojų rengimas aukštosiose mokyklose ir mokytojų seminarijose — Dėstytojų darbas dvasinės prievartos sąlygomis — „Klasinis“ požiūris į studentų kontingento formavimą — Mokymo-auklėjimo darbas, studentų nuotaikos — Bendrojo lavinimo mokykla: eksperimentai ir tikrovė (1953-1964) metais — Mokyklos darbo pertvarkymas ir visuotinio mokymo vykdymas — Mokytojai: laisvėjimo dvelksmas ir ideologinis spaudimas — Mokytojų ir moksleivių tautinė raiška — Aukštoji mokykla: liberalizazijos nenuoseklumai — Dėstytojų kadrų atlietuvinimas ir ideologinis puolimas — Studentų tautinė raiška ir jų idėjinis niveliavimas — Išvados — Santrauka anglų kalba — Santrauka rusų kalba.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje atskleidžiama Lietuvos priklausomybės metais (1940- 1964) sovietų valdžios ir komunistų partijos struktūrų vykdyta mokyklos sovietizacijos politika, siekiant jąpajungti totalitariniam režimui. Mokytojų ir mokinių priešinimasis šiam procesui siejamas su kova dėl Lietuvos laisvės ir nepriklausomybės. [Leidyklos anotacija]Reikšminiai žodžiai: 20 amžius; Mokyklos; Mokytojai; Okupacija; Pedagogika; The Lithuanian XX c. history; Schools; Teatchers; Occupation; Pedagogy.

ENThe book reveals the reorganization of all the spheres of the country’s life to conform to the Soviet model of the ‘Soviet republic’ after the incorporation of Lithuania into the Soviet Union on the basis of the secret protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 23 August - 28 September 1939 and the treaties of 21 July - 3 August 1940. From the very first days of the establishment of the totalitarian regime in Lithuania, the school as a state institution became the centre of attention of Communist and repressive structures, aiming at entrenching the new regime. The reappraisal of social values and the breach of the established way of life, which affected all the spheres of the activities of the country, came to be known as ‘Sovietization’. The author’s investigation is based on unpublished historical sources, found in the Lithuanian Central State Archive (Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas, LCVA) and in the Lithuanian Extraordinary Archive (Lietuvos ypatingasis archyvas, LYA). The Document Department of the Lithuanian Communist Party of the LYA contains materials, revealing the mechanism of the introduction and strengthening of the totalitarian regime by the Moscow Communist structures. Although the Lithuanian archives do not possess any directive documents (decisions, instructions, etc.) of the All-Union Communist Party and government institutions of the Soviet Union (they were returned back to Moscow), nevertheless, their principal regulations are reflected in various decisions the bureaus, plenums or congresses of the Lithuanian Communist (Bolshevik) Party, the Lithuanian Young Communist League (YCL), in all sorts of accounts and reports informing the central institutions of Moscow about the implementation of the central directives.The publications of documentary materials and the reminiscences of teachers and secondary school students reveal the extent of their participation in anti-Soviet resistance organizations and groups, ultimately fighting against the introduction of the totalitarian regime and for Lithuania’s freedom and independence. The book consists of three chronologically defined parts: 1940-1941 - the first year of Soviet rule, 1944-1952 - the period of the Stalinist regime, and 1953-1964 - the Khrushchev thaw. The peculiarities of the Sovietization policies and the opposition to it in each of these periods are discussed without, however, giving any detailed analysis of the periods and the functioning of schools in general. The theoretical basis for the Sovietization of the country’s schools was the educational system of the Soviet Union. From the outset the Lithuanian curricula, syllabi and textbooks were replaced by Soviet ones. New subjects, such as the history of the USSR, the Constitution of the USSR, the Russian language, etc., were introduced, and some subjects were eliminated either altogether or the time allotted for their study was reduced. The humanities, which did not meet the requirements of the Soviet school, were the first to disappear from the school curriculum. In the absence of new textbooks the use of old ones was sanctioned after the removal from them of those chapters, poems and illustrations, which hindered the ‘creation of Socialist Lithuania’. Private secondary schools (gimnazijos, progimnazijos) were reorganized into state ones, and Russian schools functioning according to the model of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR) were established. [...].

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