Paauglių požiūris į fizinį ir emocinį smurtą tarp bendraamžių

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Paauglių požiūris į fizinį ir emocinį smurtą tarp bendraamžių
Alternative Title:
Teenagers’ point of view towards physical and emotional violence among contemporaries
Summary / Abstract:

LTSmurtas prieš vaikus ir tarp vaikų - viena opiausių problemų ne tik Lietuvoje, todėl pastaruoju metu šiai temai skiriama ypač daug dėmesio. Smurtas - prieš vaikus - sudėtingas socialinis reiškinys, glaudžiai susijęs su visuomenės vertybėmis ir jos atsparumu negatyviems socialiniams reiškiniams. Smurtas prieš vaikus neramina, nes vaikai ypač pažeidžiama grupė, turinti mažiau galimybių spręsti savo problemas nei suaugusieji. Silpnesniųjų sauga - visos visuomenės problema ir smurto prevencijos politikos prioritetas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Fizinis ir emocinis smurtas; Požiūris į smurtą; Smurtas tarp bendraamžių; Smurtą lemiantys veiksniai; Attitudes towards violence; Determinants of violence; Peer violence; Physical and emotional violence; Viewpoint to violence; Violence among contemporaries.

ENViolence against children and among children is one of the most urgent problems not only in Lithuania so recently this topic has been given especially great attention. Violence against children is a complex social phenomenon which relates to values and society’s resistance to negative social phenomenon. Children are particularly vulnerable group which has got fewer possibilities to protect themselves in comparison with adults. Safety of the weak is the problem of the whole society and priority of violence prevention politics. Currently the number of cruel and violent cases among children has increased. Gilligan (2002) states that violence rises from the feeling of shame and humiliation. Shame covers all range of feelings: adolescent feels ignorance, dis-respect, disregard, exclusion, weakness, etc. These feelings makes a person feel not valuable and this is a powerful motive for violet behavior. While researching teenagers’ point of view towards violence and the issues causing it, the aim was to find out teenagers’ opinion about the spread of violence at school, the reasons of violence and how the teenagers behave in certain situations. Quantitative type of the research has been performed. 175 schoolchildren of the 8"’ grade participated in the research. The research has revealed that teenagers at school often witness physical and emotional violence at school. The main reasons of violent behavior are: wish to gain authority among contemporaries; pleasure to demonstrate physical power; violence that the teenagers have experienced themselves; not knowing how to express feelings in other ways. The main reason why teenagers do not tell about the violence they are experiencing is fear of revenge. [From the publication]

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Patyčių paplitimas ir raiška paauglystėje / Jurgita Sereikienė, Birutė Šilėnienė. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai. 2013, Nr. 1 (39), p. 63-69.
2020-07-09 21:13:03
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