Sąd grodzki grodzieński za czasów Wazów (1587-1668) : stan badań i źródła

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Sąd grodzki grodzieński za czasów Wazów (1587-1668): stan badań i źródła
Alternative Title:
Grodno (Hrodna) castle court in the Vasa period (1587-1668): the state of research and sources
In the Journal:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny. 2017, 3, p. 47-80
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Gardino pilies teismas; III Lietuvos Statutas 1588 m., Pilies teismo sesijos; Kanceliarija ir archyvas; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Pilies teismo kanceliarija ir archyvas; Pilies teismo sesijos; Teismas compositi iudicii; Trečias Lietuvos Statutas 1588; Castle court chancellery and archive; Castle court sessions (roczki; Castle court sessions (roczki); Court of compositi iudicii; Grodno castle court; Lithuania in 1588; Third Lithuanian Statute of 1588; Tird Statute of the Grand Duchy of.

ENThe activity of the Grodno castle court during the reign of the Vasa dynasty was based on the norms of the Third Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of 1588. During the period of King Sigismund III, new rules and the scope of work of the castle starost (capitaneus castrensis) were introduced. His fees consisted of income from the Grodno royal domain estate (ekonomia). The castle starost’s payment rested on the shoulders of a leaseholder of the domain or the starost of the Grodno domain estate. We can talk about the increase in the prestige of castle court officials in the district (powiat) of Grodno in the eyes of the nobility. The fact of holding castle court offices conditioned the possibility of promotion within the structures of the nobility’s self-government and central institutions. The castle court in Grodno was located in the upper castle, where there was a courthouse, a prison, and a chancellery with archive. For the first time, the chancellery was mentioned during the period of Andrzej Wojna (1602–1615). Due to the increase in demand for legal services and the growing number of the chancellery officials, the office of lord-lieutenant (namiestnik) of the Grodno district was established.The location, functions and scope of authority of the chancellery were finally determined during the period of Fryderyk Sapieha in 1636–1650. During the interregnum, the so-called hooded courts (sądy kapturowe) were appointed, in which the officials of the Grodno castle court participated. In the years 1655–1661, when Grodno was occupied by the Muscovite army, the castle office (officium castrensis) and the chancellery continued working. From 1658 on, in the Grodno district there was an extraordinary court of compositi iudicia made up of six judges and a marshal, from among the castle officials. In the years 1659–1661, the composition of the Grodno castle court was renewed at the expense of the ‘hooded courts’ and compositi iudicia judges. [From the publication]

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