"Žydų karių, dalyvavusių Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atvadavime, sąjunga" ir jos veikla Lietuvoje 1933-1940 m.

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Žydų karių, dalyvavusių Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atvadavime, sąjunga" ir jos veikla Lietuvoje 1933-1940 m
In the Book:
Žydai Pakaunėje / sudarytoja Inga Stepukonienė. Kaunas: Naujasis lankas, 2018. P. 66-123
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Karo veteranai; 20 amžius; Žydų karių dalyvavusių Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės atvadavime, sąjunga; Žydų visuomeninės organizacijos; Jewish public organisations; 20th century; The Union of the Jewish Soldiers in the Fight for Lithuanian Independence; War veterans.

ENIn the interwar period there were seven organizations of former soldiers. The Union of the Jewish Soldiers in the Fight for Lithuanian Independence was the only war veteran organization based on the nationality of its members. The Jewish residents of the Kaunas district actively participated in the activities organized by the Kaunas city Jewish soldiers. The union emphasized the importance of the cultural cooperation between Lithuanian and Jewish populations, established and supported bookshops, delivered lectures, organized soirees, published posters, books, issued newspapers and distributed tract campaigns. They were also able to set up and keep firms, provide their members with the necessary legal advice and medical care, organize excursions as well as to assemble people to various sports and other activity clubs and associations. A special importance was placed on the propaganda activities, the aim of which was to popularize within the Jewish communities the ideas of liberating Vilnius and other occupied areas of the country as well as the ideas of the Lithuanian Riflemens Union (LietuvosŠauliųsąjunga). Another important goal was to maintain relationships with all non-political organizations that worked for the benefit of the country and to take care of the disabled Jewish soldiers. By researching the goals of the union, it is possible to state that this was the only organization that aimed at liberating Vilnius and propagated the ideas of the Riflemens Union. Most attention was paid to the patriotic education of its members as well as their economic welfare. The union had its stamp, flag and emblem. [From the publication]

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Jews as Lithuanian army soldiers in 1918-1940 (a quantitative analysis) / Vytautas Jokubauskas, Hektoras Vitkus. Lithuanian Historical Studies. 2021, vol. 25, p. 99-133.
2020-04-18 07:31:09
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