W poszukiwaniu idei narodowej : "krajowość" początku XX wieku jako próba ideologii "Polaków litewskich"

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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
W poszukiwaniu idei narodowej: "krajowość" początku XX wieku jako próba ideologii "Polaków litewskich"
Alternative Title:
In the search for a national idea: Krajowość in the beginning of the twentieth century as an attempt at "Lithuanian Poles" ideology
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Istorinė Lietuva; Krajovcai; Krajovcų ideologija; Kraštiečiai; LDK politinė tauta; Lietuvių ir lenkų santykiai; Lietuvos lenkai; Modernioji tauta; Mykolas Romeris; Politinė tauta; Romanas Skirmuntas; Tautiniai judėjimai; Tautinis sąjūdis; 20 amžius; Beginning of the 20th century; Historical Lithuania; Krajowcy; Krajowosc ideology; Lithuanian Poles; Lithuanian-Polish relations; Michal Roemer; Michal Romer; Modern nation; Nation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; National movements; Political nation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; Roman Skirmunt.

ENKrajowość as the national ideology of the “civil” (or “political”) type developed in Belarus and Lithuania at the beginning of the twentieth century. The adherents of krajowość claimed that all native inhabitants of historical Lithuania, disregarding their ethno-cultural identity, are “the citizens of the Kraj” [the Countrymen] and therefore belong to one nation. Some called them “the nation of Lithuanians.” The category of “the native inhabitants” was used in relation to the Lithuanians, Belarusians, Poles, Jews, and almost never to Russians. As the main criterion for a national identity they proclaimed patriotism and self-identification as citizens. The krajowość idea appeared among the nobility. Its representatives belong to the combined Polish culture in respect of their own Lithuanian and Belarusian origin. The former Grand Duchy of Lithuania was interpreted by them as a historical native land. It was the determining factor in the formation of a new identity. All adherents of krajowość (Michal Romer, Roman Skirmunt, Kanstancyja Skirmuntt, Ludwik Abramovich, etc.) belonged to the group of the “Lithuania (vel Belarus) Poles”. Despite their intentions, the krajowość idea was formed on the basis of the “Lithuanian Poles’” struggle for their own place in the new society. As a result, the ideology for “Lithuanian Poles” was created, but it could not neutralize the existing Polish-Lithuanian-Belarusian conflict. [From the publication]

1230-1698; 2392-2427
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