Vadovų konstruojamos žmogiškųjų išteklių atrankos strategijos socialinėse nevyriausybinėse organizacijose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vadovų konstruojamos žmogiškųjų išteklių atrankos strategijos socialinėse nevyriausybinėse organizacijose
Alternative Title:
Construction of the selection of human resource strategies by managers of social nongovernmental organizations
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas. Patirtis ir metodai [Social Work. Experience and Methods]. 2017, [Nr.] 20, p. 11-28
Summary / Abstract:

LTŽmogiškųjų išteklių valdymas socialinėje NVO – svarbi socialinio darbo tema. Neretai dirbantys ir vadovaujantys šiam sektoriui socialiniai darbuotojai, kurie savo profesinę karjerą sieja su šiuo sektoriumi, neturi vadybinio išsilavinimo, o veikla reikalauja, kad vadovas išmanytų vadybos pagrindus. Todėl svarbu suprasti, kaip vadovai supranta žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą organizacijoje, kokius reikalavimus kelia būsimiems darbuotojams, užtikrina socializacijos procesą organizacijoje. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe role of NGOs has increased in the social sphere of Lithuania. Since the welfare state seeks to ensure the welfare of the citizens, it shares functions with NGOs. Human resource management in social NGOs is an important topic for social work, because those working and managing this NGO sector are often social workers. Therefore, it is important to understand how managers of social NGOs understand the management of human resources as they form expectations for future colleagues. The purpose of this article is to discuss the strategies for socialization of human resources in social non-governmental organizations. The results of a qualitative phenomenological study are presented. The study participants included 5 leaders of social NGOs that provided social work services. The data was collected using semi-structured interviews. For data examination, thematic analysis was applied. When discussing employee selection, the study participants primarily highlight the importance of education. The professional competences of the employees are the factor that determines whether the social services provided by social NGOs meet the quality expectations of both the manager and the entity purchasing the service. The study participants give considerable importance to the employee’s motivation and values during the selection process. It is also necessary to consider the fact that the head of the organizations dependent on the project funds believes that it is not always possible to provide the employee with the appropriate financial reward for the efforts made to accomplish the mission of the organization. [From the publication]

2029-0470; 2029-5820
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