LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antrinė predikacija; Antrinė predikacija baltų kalbose; Aplinkybės; Aprašomieji, rezultatyviniai ir būdo adverbialai; Depiktyvas; Padėtis; Rezultatyvas; Semantikos žemėlapis; Semantinis žemėlapis; Adverbial; Depictive; Depictive, resultative and manner adverbials; Posture; Resultative; Secondary predication; Semantic map.
ENThe paper provides a discussion of semantic and morphosyntactic features characteristic to the secondary predication in Lithuanian and Latvian. The types of secondary predication, viz. depictives, resultatives and adverbials, are distinguished according to the semantics: adverbials are event-oriented, while depictives and resultatives are participant-oriented (the former denote an event, which is simply simultaneous with the main event, while the latter denote an event, which is related to the main event via causal relation). However, a rigid delimitation of the three types is impossible, as there is a number of constructions which oscillate between them both semantically and morphosyntactically. It is proposed that the zone between depictives, resultatives and adverbials is occupied by transitional, or borderline types of secondary predication. The borderline types analysed in the paper include posture constructions, “grow up” constructions and “slice” constructions. In order to visualize the relationships between the main and the borderline types, the principles of the semantic map method are applied and an extended preliminary semantic map of secondary predication is proposed. [From the publication]