Przewodnik. Droga Krzyżowa w Kalwarii Wileńskiej : materiały źródłowe

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Przewodnik. Droga Krzyżowa w Kalwarii Wileńskiej: materiały źródłowe
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Uniwersytet Witolda Wielkiego, 2018.
135 p
Przedmowa arcybiskupa wileńskiego — Wstęp — Krótka historia Przewodników Drogi Krzyżowej w Kalwarii Wileńskiej — Plan ścieżek Drogi Krzyżowej w Kalwarii Wileńskiej — Obyczaje pielgrzymowania po Drodze Krzyżowej w Kalwarii Wileńskiej — Rozważania, modlitwy i śpiewy Drogi Krzyżowej w Kalwarii Wileńskiej — Źródła i literatura — Podsumowanie w języku litewskim (Santrauka) — Summary — O autorze — About author.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThe Guide Book for the Way of the Cross of Vilnius Calvary with 35 stations is a special book by the Catholic Church in Lithuania which presents the prayers and hymns of the Passion of Christ on the Way of the Cross, their melodies, the order in which the stations should be visited, the rituals, customs, practices and rules. The author of the guide book, Prof. Habil. Dr. Alfonsas Matuzas, set a goal for himself: to compile the texts of the prayers and hymns of the Way of the Cross of Vilnius Calvary that are said and sung by the Polish worshippers who visit the sanctum, editing them in accordance with the requirements of contemporary Polish language and based on the previously released sources and publications about the Way of the Cross of Vilnius Calvary, the materials from summer outdoor expeditions, and personal experience as a hymn singer and musician. Furthermore, for the first time in the history of the Guide Book for the Way of the Cross of Vilnius Calvary, the melodies of these hymns, the rituals of walking the Way of the Cross and the ceremonial customs are presented and published in the Polish language. The compiler and editor believes that this Guide Book will be of significance to visiting guests from Poland, members of the Polish and Lithuanian communities in the Archdiocese of Vilnius, professors and seminarians of Lithuanian theological seminaries, university lecturers and students, religion teachers, catechists and everyone who upholds the tradition of the spirituality and piety in the practice of walking the Way of the Cross. [From the publication]

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2022-01-30 10:05:11
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