LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Etapai Lietuvoje; Funkcijos; Lietuvos plėtros stadijos; Mažmeninės prekybos internacionalizavimas; Perspektyva; Perspektyvos; Ypatumai; Features; Prospect; Prospects; Retail internationalisation; Stages in Lithuania; Stages of development in Lithuania.
ENPurpose of the article: To distinguish and describe Lithuanian retail internationalization of the peculiarities in the last twenty-four years and bases on the changes in the future. Methodology/methods: The retail internationalization literature explores the theories, concepts, experiences in different countries is the methodological basis for the assessment of the process and the prospect of these process changes in Lithuania. Lithuanian retail internationalization progress of the investigation from the beginning, development and future prospects is divided into three phases. From a methodological point of view, this is a difficult research because even after twenty years. Scientific aim: To analyse retail internationalization process in Lithuania – features and prospects. Findings: Investigate and evaluate three Lithuanian retail internationalization stages showed that each of them has distinct features. A survey of retailers allowed to set retail internationalization level in 2013.Conclusions: The retail trade internationalisation process in Lithuania, which started immediately after the destruction of the socialist economy and proceeded as the foundation for market economy was being laid, was particular in the sense that famous foreign retail trade companies did not immediately enter the Lithuanian retail market. The characteristic feature of the process in Lithuania was the establishment of joint capital companies, while individual foreign businessmen often started their business in the country by opening their first store. Research limitations: no interest of retailers to be in contact regarding research and wide theme was as serious limitations to find out and explore the Lithuanian retail internationalization features. This is the original article, exploring the small market of retail internationalization process characteristics from its beginning until 2014. [From the publication]