Vietininko ir įnagininko linksnių vartojimo klaidos policijos pareigūnų tarnybiniuose dokumentuose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vietininko ir įnagininko linksnių vartojimo klaidos policijos pareigūnų tarnybiniuose dokumentuose
Alternative Title:
Mistakes of using locative and ablative cases in official documents of police officers
In the Journal:
Visuomenės saugumas ir viešoji tvarka [Public security and public order]. 2014, 12, p. 55-62
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Gramatika / Grammar; Viešoji tvarka ir saugumas / Public order and safety.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvių kalbos sintaksės sistema yra sudėtinga, tad ir linksnių vartojimas vis dar kelia problemų. Ydingą linksnių vartosenos atsiradimą lemia kitų kalbų įtaka, o klaidingą linksnių vartosenos paplitimą – nežinojimas, kad kalbama (rašoma) netaisyklingai vartojant linksnius, aplinkinių žmonių netaisyklinga kalbėsena, nenoras keisti kalbėjimo (rašymo) įpročius bei menka informacijos apie kalbos klaidas sklaida. Šios priežastys lemia ne tik šnekamosios kalbos, bet ir rašomosios, ypač dokumentų, kalbos vartosenos ydingumą. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šiame straipsnyje analizuojami dažniausiai policijos pareigūnų tarnybiniuose dokumentuose klaidingai vartojami linksniai – vietininkas ir įnagininkas, aptariama jų nenorminė vartosena, daromos klaidos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kalbos klaida; Linksnio reikšmė; Policijos pareigūnų tarnybiniai dokumentai; Sintaksė; Vietininko linksnis; Įnagininko linksnis; Ablative case; Incorrect use; Locative case; Official documents of police officers; Syntax; The mean of case.

ENSystem of Lithuanian language syntax is difficult, so use of cases is problematic. Faulty use of cases is determined by influence of foreign languages and the prevalence of this incorrect use is determined by not having enough knowledge, that speaking (writing) is wrong in using cases, wrong talk of surrounding people, not having a wish to change speech (writing) habits and low spread of information about mistakes of Lithuanian language. These reasons condition incorrect use of language in speech and in written, especially official documents, language forms. According to that, there are analyzing frequently wrong using cases – locative and ablative, is discussed their not standart use and repeated mistakes in official documents of police officers. So the goal of this article is to discuss wrong use of locative and ablative cases in above-mentioned documents. The material is got in cooperation with specialist of language correction in Kaunas County Police Headquarters. It’s noticed that mistakes of mentioned cases dominate in official documents of police officers, though they are declared in the list of the major mistakes of language in 1997. So the relevance of this article is bases as by degeneration of literacy as rare research of special law texts, especially texts of police officers. Syntax is the part of grammar which analyzes connections between words, construction of sentences and so on. The cases are object of morphology, but according to the fact that they have means, they are analyzing like object of syntax. Every case has their correct and incorrect means. If they are not mixed the use of language are correct, but if the cases are used in incorrect means, we are talking about wrong use of cases. They need to be corrected. Locative case usually means place and time, sometimes it can convey manner and state. But it is often used in wrong position of mean.Because of that locative is named “champion of mistakes”. The main mistakes are formed by many years and they look like the cliché, e. g. tame tarpe, pareigose, atostogose, būklėje, ribose and other positions. Ablative case has many means, e. g. it can mean object, implement, place, time and other. Despite of that situation, the incorrect use of this case is like situation of locative. Mistakes of ablative are more actual in specific sentences than in usual usage, but it is difficult to change by correct use as locative too. Frequently there are clichés too, e. g. tikslu, remiantis (vadovaujantis) išdėstytu, apklausti įtariamasiais and others. In conclusion it is need to say, that official documents of police officers are not written in correct Lithuanian language. So documents must be controlled and analyzed. [From the publication]

2029-1701; 2335-2035
2020-07-09 21:12:07
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