LTLietuvių kalbos raštingumo problema šiuo metu vis stipriau yra keliama į viešumą. Tai aktualus klausimas tiek kiekvienam šalies piliečiui, tiek kiekvienos profesijos atstovui kaip tos profesijos įvaizdžio atspindžiui. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama tik viena klaidų rūšis – semantizmai, vartojami policijos pareigūnų tarnybiniuose dokumentuose. Semantizmų klaidų grupė yra aktuali dėl savo apgaulingos vartosenos, nes semantizmai yra lietuviški žodžiai, tik vartojami ne savo reikšmėmis. Šis požymis lemia, kad paprastai net nesusimąstoma dėl klaidingos vartosenos. Nors kiekvienos kalbos žodynas yra dažniausiai kintanti kalbos dalis, vis dėlto dalis semantizmų policijos pareigūnų raštuose, kaip ir bendrojoje vartosenoje, nekinta jau daugelį metų, yra tvirtai įsišaknijusi ir neleidžia lietuviškiems atitikmenims jų pakeisti. Tokie dažniausi yra veiksmažodžiai (patalpinti, išimti, aptarnauti, prijungti), rečiau ne savo reikšmėmis vartojami daiktavardžiai (daviniai, eilė), būdvardis (pilnas, -a), prieveiksmis (pilnai). Siekiant išvengti šių klaidų, reikia jas kuo dažniau viešinti, skatinti pareigūnus vartoti lietuviškus jų atitikmenis ir ugdyti bendrą policijos pareigūnų raštingumą ir kalbos kultūros sampratą plačiąja prasme. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kalbos klaida; Kalbos kultūra; Policijos pareigūnų tarnybiniai dokumentai; Semantizmai; Culture of language; Language; Mistakes of using; Mistakes of using language; Official documents of police officers; Semantic loan words; Semantisms.
ENThe problem of literacy of Lithuanian language is coming more important nowadays and it is the object of discussing. Now the culture of language is understanding like the part of image of every man. He have to use not only correct words and their forms, to make sentences correctly, but also he must have ability to speak fluently, esthetic, politely and so on. It is actual to understand that the language is very important for the nation. Because of that people must to feel value of using it, they must secure and protect it. The important of national language is actual for professional language too. Every member of his profession have to know terms, grammar rules how to use correct language. Police officers often communicate with people, write documents, which language must be fluently, without incorrect words. Otherwise it can come as object of mock. There are several group of language mistakes, but only one group of them is analyzing in this article – the semantisms. They are often uses in official documents of police officers. Semantisms are deceitful mistakes, because they are using only with wrong meaning, but the words are correct. This means that a lot of people can’t understand and see what wrong are with them. Police officers do the same mistakes too. Several words are using with specific meaning only in official documents of police officers. For example, talpinti have meaning daryti, kad tilptų, but usually is incorrectly using instead spausdinti, įkelti, įdėti, paskelbti, but this word in documents of police officers is using to mean apgyvendinti, apnakvindinti, įlaipinti, uždaryti and so on. Or the verb išimti, which means paimti iš kur, ištraukti; atsiimti, paimti ką duotą; pašalinti, išdildyti, but is using instead mean paimti. The most of similar using is determined by other language (for example, Russian) influence.Nevertheless Russian is not popular language in Lithuania, it’s inheritance is very popular in some places of language, because wrong practice is given by elder colleague to younger. The most often using semantisms are verbs, but the nouns, adjectives, adverbs are rare semantisms. Only several words like eilė, daviniai, pilnas, -a, pilnai are using with incorrect means. But their usage is repeated and the Lithuanian equivalents can’t to take strong position to interchange them. It’s the future goal to make that words with incorrect meaning will not be so popular in official document of police officers. [From the publication]