Aptarnaujančio personalo vaidmuo vartotojų pasitenkinimo atžvilgiu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aptarnaujančio personalo vaidmuo vartotojų pasitenkinimo atžvilgiu
Alternative Title:
Role of operating personnel in customer satisfaction
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTNagrinėjant žmogiškuosius išteklius marketingo požiūriu, paminėtinos dvi suinteresuotosios pusės, diktuojančios organizacijos veiklos tikslus: vartotojai ir darbuotojai. Vartotojai – tai varomoji jėga, atnešanti organizacijai pelną, pripažinimą rinkoje, įvaizdį visuomenėje. Siekdamos vartotojų norų ir poreikio patenkinimo, organizacijos kuria naujus produktus, plečia paslaugų paketus, diegia moderniąsias technologijas. Dažname versle tiesioginis organizacijos darbuotojų kontaktas su vartotojais yra neišvengiamas. Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas aptarnaujančio personalo vaidmuo vartotojų pasitenkinimo atžvilgiu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aptarnaujantis personalas; Paslaugų kokybė; Vartotojų pasitenkinimas; Consumer Satisfaction; Customer satisfaction; Operating personnel; Service quality; Service staff.

ENWhile analyzing human resources from marketing perspective, two main parties dictate the course of organization's activities: consumers and employees. Organization's customers can be named as a driving force generating profits, recognition in the market, and image in the society. Achieving to satisfy customer's needs and wishes, organizations create new products, expand service packages, and adapt modern technologies. In many businesses, direct contact between organization's personnel and consumers is inevitable. The scientific problem solved in the article is formulated with a question: what is the role of operating personnel in customer satisfaction? The object of the article is the coherence between operating personnel and customer satisfaction; and the aim of the article is to reveal the role of operating personnel in customer satisfaction. Achieving to reach the aim, following tasks were set: – To reveal theoretically the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction; – To determine the influence of operating personnel to service quality; – To assess the principal characteristics of operating personnel affecting perceived service quality. Analysis and synthesis of scientific literature were provided achieving to reveal theoretical coherence between service quality and customer satisfaction, and to reveal the influence of operating personnel to service quality. Principal characteristics of operating personnel affecting perceived service quality were revealed analyzing the results of questionnaire surveys. Service quality was found to be one of the key antecedents of customer satisfaction, included in vast majority of customer satisfaction index models. Considering the complexity of service quality, it can be divided into technical and functional. The functional service quality is mainly dependant ant the competence and qualifications of operating personnel.Both, technical and functional quality impact the perceived service quality – the antecedent of customer satisfaction. Therefore, achieving to improve and maintain service quality through its functional components, main attention has to be paid to operating personnel's qualification. [From the publication]

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2020-07-28 20:26:13
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